View Full Version : First Post Please advise!!!

28-06-11, 18:37
Wow, how wonderful to find this site!!

I Have suffered anxiety all my life, but only recently have I become more aware of what I am sufferring from.

I had two months sick from work, after the break up of a relationship, and really being unable to cope with work.

The doctor singed me off weekly and prescribed me Citalopram 20mg. Because of phobias about what the citalopram would do to my brain and personality. I have concerns that it will change me forever, and that I will be fundamentally changed. as a result I never took a single tablet!

I am fearful!

I have been lying to the doc that I have been taking the meds. I have also been seeing a therapist.

I really want to overcome my anxiety! I am soooo sick of it ruling my life!! I am now considering taking the meds. but don't know what to do.

I would really appreciate any advice you guys have!

obsessive b
28-06-11, 19:08
Hey There

I started Cit 4 weeks ago I am still having up and downs but no way near as bad. Cit will not change you forever. I have 3 close friends that are all on 40mg andthink it's great really turned them around they don't have any side effects they go out partying. The first 1.5 may increase your anxiety a littlebut you just have to tell yourself it's the tabs. My friend also works in a pharmacy and she said you would not believe how many people take this tablet. So it can't be that bad otherwise we all be walking round like crazy people.

Just give it a try it can't make things any worse that's what I kept telling myself and bearing in mind I switched straight over from the evil seroxt onto Citalopram and I'm still here to tell the tale lol.


28-06-11, 20:28
Totally agree with what obsessive b said above. There are loads and loads of people here who have done well on Citalopram and I have a couple of friends who swear by it too. Try to focus on the benefits of this medication - it wouldn't be prescribed unless it was extensively tested, safe, and proven. Don't be frightened - why not come clean with your GP. I told mine I was petrified about taking them and she reduced the dose significantly (to either 5mg or 2.5mg I can't remember) to start with for a week and I built it up bit by bit.

28-06-11, 20:49
I haven't heard of the med changing your personality. In fact it can help you be yourself again and not a victim of anxiety and depression.

Try easing in on the med which will help with side effects. Remember side effects tend to be temporary as you adjust to the med. Try 5 mg increments each week until you are at the prescribed level.... Also talk to the doc there maybe something to help you through the rough patch of starting.

Hang in there and take care

28-06-11, 20:50
I've been on cit since last September, and it helped me a lot -sadly I've just had a relapse so am going up. I too was petrified about what it would do to me -let's just say I prayed a lot, and the doctor told me that if I was that worried just to start with a tinnny bit -I started on like 2.5 and then went to 5, then a bit more, then 10. And I noticed barely any side effects (if there were it was just yawning and a slight head pain now and then) but they really helped.
iI've been on 20mg for a while, and now I'm on 30. Just go for 10 first if you're nervous (10 is apparently just to get your body used to it)