View Full Version : Horse Stepped on my foot

28-06-11, 21:21
a horse stepped on my foot about three years ago and hurt it. I didnt go to the dr with it and it never did swell it just hurt. It finally went away and the last two years it feels swollen off and on and I put it up on a pillow and the swelling seems to go down but within a day or two it gets a little swolen again. I repeat the process and it goes down. This seems to be happening more and more and it did the samething last June as well and then finally went away for a year buts its back.Could this be arthritis developed in the foot causing this from an old injury. It doesnt have any symptoms of blood clot or anything like tht and when I put my foot up for awhile the swelling seems to go away for the day. Does anybody else have a old injury that does this?

29-06-11, 00:56
I've lost count of the amount of time I've had my feet stood on by horses, b****y sore but no lasting damage that I'm aware of. However, over the last few years I have broken both my feet (at different times thankfully!) and the doc said it was the third metacarsal, a common injury in footballers, also known as "marching something to do with soldiers being on their feet a lot"?? Anyway, they took x-rays, confirmed the break and was told they would heal in six to eight week, which they did. The first time I was in a job where I was on my feet all day but I have no idea how I broke the other one?? I also have arthritis in my right big toe, which means I can't wear high heels any more :weep:

Maybe you should get an x-ray?

Good Luck. x

29-06-11, 09:24
Hi, I think an x-ray is your best bet...

29-06-11, 20:18