View Full Version : anxious

28-06-11, 22:23
hi guys just want some reasurance really having a really bad attack :weep: my head and face is numb heart racing etc ...... due to start my medication tommorro after having a few months off it really anxious that my panic is going to get even worse. i know what im feeling is panic but cant seem to shift that un easy feeling xx

Trying to
28-06-11, 23:20
That uneasy feeling I have leaved with on and off from age 22 I'm now 35. I seen a counselor he recommend paxil he said I had general anxiety. So I saw my family dr. After a short visit I was prescribed paxil 20 mg daily. The paxil has been increased to 60mg. The paxil gives does help but not enough. After seeing several counselors I was diagnosed with depression, PTSD, anxiety, also I may have a cancer phobia, my counselor is working on that now. But any way I have read several books listened to audio books, I have also started on the Midwest program. I'm better than I was but I can't enjoy life to it's fullest....

Veronica H
28-06-11, 23:30
Hi Cluck
Sorry you are having a hard time. You have been here before and recovered. This will pass. :bighug1:

30-06-11, 11:34
dont forget your breathing exercises - they really do help.

30-06-11, 11:37
Hey Cluck, really know what you're going through... Be strong and focus, you will get through this and everything will look a lot better soon!

Have a vurtual hug on me


30-06-11, 12:20
hi guys just want some reasurance really having a really bad attack :weep: my head and face is numb heart racing etc ...... due to start my medication tommorro after having a few months off it really anxious that my panic is going to get even worse. i know what im feeling is panic but cant seem to shift that un easy feeling xx

Hey Cluck

I have the same issue face numb tingling down my left arm
muscle twitching feel like i was going insane.
Got a whole bunch of test done changed Dr's you name it

All i can say is see a Dr help yourself

02-07-11, 15:53
iv only just registered with this site, i need to speak about what im currently experiencing, im only 21 years old and have been having severe panic attacks since i was 18, i believe it all started when i messed around with drugs with my friends at parties i couldnt handle them simple as that, it should have just been a one off attack, but they kept continuing. they eased a bit at 20...i got pregnant with my son, but after i had him...im constantly anxious now scared of dying, scared of leaving my son motherless, they are my main concerns. i cant go out like a normal 21 year old and enjoy a few drinks with my friends i hav'nt taken any drugs since i was 19, so i find it unfair that i cant go out after looking after my son all week and let my hair down...because i truly believe i am going to die and i struggle to look after my son then...i believe i put to much on myself to be the perfect mum and i dont think this helps...can someone please offer me some advice on how to manage these attacks whilst living my life to the full...its making me depressed. thank u...polly

02-07-11, 22:53
hi polly i know what your going through this is excactly how my panic started took half a stupid pill when i was sixteen and had panic attacks ever since, also i have three children and fear i will die and leave them,but just to let u know this is panic and it can not hurt you, yes it is very frightening while its happening but nothing bad is going to happen to you. just remember you hav had this before and your still here now sending big hugs xxx