View Full Version : Anxiety Relapse

28-06-11, 22:33
Hello, not posted on here for a while but the past couple of days have left me feeling not right....so kind of feel I need to get it out of my system.

Basically around I had a really bad period of stress/anxiety at work which led to me being off for a while, having counselling and also being put on 10mg citalopram. A very low dose but seemed to make all the difference to me.

Anyway that was around 8 months ago now and I'm currently in the process of coming off my citalopram. That's been going really well and I've just changed to having one half every 2 days, perhaps 2 weeks ago.

I was feeling okay until the start of this week, and I kind of feel like I'm gong backwards? The feeling of butterflies and a knot in my tummy is constant through the day and even writing this I'm tearing up for no reason :( I just feel horrible and narky.

I'm just really scared that I'm going to end up like I did before, and I don't think that's helping me feel any better :(

Sorry for the essay :(

Veronica H
28-06-11, 23:38
Hi Helen

I'm just really scared that I'm going to end up like I did before, and I don't think that's helping me feel any better :( . ...You will never go back to how you were before, because you know you can and have recovered. Keep this in mind and treat this as a blip because you are stressed and over tired due to work. Try to rest when you can.:bighug1:Vx