View Full Version : Lymphoma worry again? *sigh*

29-06-11, 00:21
So today I was reading a magazine, and there was a real life article about a 16 year old girl who had an eye infection through her mascara and it turned out to be lymphoma.
I'm slightly worried as, I get a few eye infections though I got told by my optician I have dry eyes the other week causing conjunctivitis-like symptoms.
However the article's worried me as the girl also had breathlessness as one of her symptoms aswell which surprise, I also have but I've suffered with it for years on and off since I was little surely if it was serious I'd know?
I also have loads of swollen lymph nodes which have "gathered" over the past 3 years.
I'm really scared that I have lymphoma and I really wish I hadn't of read that magazine even though I didn't know there was going to be that in it :( I'm so scared.
Please help me someone x

29-06-11, 08:56
Hi sweet, i am scared i have lymphoma aswell after my dad died of a similiar cancer. i have seen several gps and had many blood tests all say im ok.. im trying my hardest to forget about it but its so hard.. i would personally say if you did have lympmoma you would probably be very ill by now if the first gland popped up 3years ago, t hats what i have to tell myself.. pop to your gp and get them to put your mind at rest, but i promise your not alone, theres actually a few of us who suffer from the same fear xx

29-06-11, 09:13
hi guys,

i have the same fear at the moment. i have enlarged gland in my collar bone area. i am awaiting blood test results. there are more sever symptoms of lymphoma,you would be very fatigued,nauseousness and you would lose weight rapidly without trying!!

i know its easier said than done to say do not worry and its def a bit rich coming from one ha sufferer to the next when i cant heed my own advice but i am sure there is nothing to worry about!!!

chin up and keep smiling

mike x

29-06-11, 09:37
Go to your Doctor put your mind at ease do not live in fear it will make you miserable all the time.

29-06-11, 17:17
Lymphoma is my fear at the moment too. I agree with novemberangel86 on that you would feel very ill now if the lymph node has been swollen for 3 years due to Lymphoma. Going to the Doctor really will help you to relax. We all get swollen lymph nodes that pop up and never go back down. Most eye infections are nothing serious. I'm sure it will clear up in no time. :)

29-06-11, 19:04
Go to your Doctor put your mind at ease do not live in fear it will make you miserable all the time.

I totally agree!!!

Keeping you in my thoughts.

29-06-11, 20:28
I'm the same, I have two glands up at the moment, just can't stop worrying about it :( my bf commented the other night that inwas really hot when he got into bed so now I'm worried I'm having night sweats which is another sign.... Arggg, just as I deal with my social anx health anx comes up and bites me on the bum!!