View Full Version : Sharp Pains in Temple. Stroke, Tumor, Aneurysm?!

29-06-11, 04:37

Oh gosh.

For a week I've been having sharp pains in my left temple only. Put your hand on your temple, now, clench your jaws. Feel that muscle that pops up? This is where the pain is.

It's totally random. I never know when the pain will come up. Sometimes when it hits my ear will be full afterward, sometimes not. It can be a pain that's barely noticeable sometimes the pain is so bad and so sudden it makes me jump.

I don't have symptoms for stroke or aneurysm, other than fatigue. I'm getting pretty scared something bad is going on. I've had to resist the urge to run off to the ER this evening.

29-06-11, 19:23
I called my doc this morning for an appt. They scheduled me for next Tuesday.

Then she calls me back, says she ran it by the nurse. Nurse wants me in TODAY as a work in appt.

I'm so terrified they think something serious is up!!!

29-06-11, 20:49
They have to take all precautions, after all some people like old men could be all dismissive and underestimate something bad. Sounds to me like a tender muscle near your jaw. There are lots of muscles over you temple that can become tense when you are stressed. I don't think it is serious as you are not having alarming symptoms, and things like strokes and anuerisms strike fast.
You will be fine. Positive. :D

30-06-11, 00:10
I could be TMJ, I have that, my jaw clicks, pops, my muscles get very tense, spasm, twitch etc... but the muscles are sorta connected so I can get pains in my temple too, and my neck and up the back of my head.
How are your teeth, some times they can cause pain too.

30-06-11, 03:14
BOth my husband and I have that on and off. Your nurse or doc should give a stretch excercise that will almost get rid of it completely. Dont worry too much about this.

30-06-11, 04:13
I have been getting this pretty regular too.Hope things are ok.