View Full Version : My head is going to bust :( (Head pressure)

29-06-11, 12:32
Iv been suffering with this sort of pressure in my head. It feels as if its going to bust at any given minute. It sort of feels as if its trying to escape out of my ears hence making my ears feel full and blocked. But the pressure is all aroun my head. Im also getting headaches and dizziness. As per usual my GP didnt seem concerned despite me feeling terrible. He took my blood pressure and sats which he says were normal. I just want to keep popping my ears (like you do on a plane) but they won't pop. The pressure is also evident in my chest and neck. I cant work out what it is thats causing this, if its not blood pressure then what is it??
Im also feeling very tired and lethargic.
Help please x

29-06-11, 17:16
Hi pinkpiglet, I am also feeling like you at the minute well since sunday, i feel like im on another planet and because Ive been been doing so well with my anxiety I am worrying again! Like you I have also been tired, I did a long shift at work on saturday and really think I have been trying to do too much hence the wierd feelings. I have also noticed that a few people have posted on here with the same sort of problem maybe its something to do with the weather as its been pretty unbearable, Anxiety its horrible I wish it would just go away. Hope you start to feel better soon x

29-06-11, 17:46
Hey pinkpiglet, I feel and have felt exactly the same for a very long time!
It's horrible! :(

30-06-11, 00:19
Where in your head is it?
The muscle along the back of my neck and the ones tat sorta go up the back of my head , when they get tight I can get awful head pressure where it feels like my head will explode :(
Could be worth seeing a physio person.

30-06-11, 01:24
I get what you described alot. I think it might be overuse of muscles and also maybe tension , I guess ,hope you feel better soon,

30-06-11, 01:31
Thanks guys! Im on nights just now and thankfully its not too bad at the moment. Its not been a good day though and im just hoping that this phase passes soon. Some anxiety symptoms are easier to live with than others (or maybe we are happily familiar with them) But head pressure is not something Im going to be able to ignore.
Thaks again... x

30-06-11, 01:56
Thanks guys! Im on nights just now and thankfully its not too bad at the moment. Its not been a good day though and im just hoping that this phase passes soon. Some anxiety symptoms are easier to live with than others (or maybe we are happily familiar with them) But head pressure is not something Im going to be able to ignore.
Thaks again... x

Had the same symptoms several weeks ago, didn't mess about paid for an MRi Scan and got the results back today, normal scan no problems with my Brain was suprised when they said that I actually had a Brain though lol,

The reason I went for the scan was my Grandmother died when she was 42 with a Brain Tumour I am 49 so had to find out quickly, so your symptoms are not of a Brain Tumour because I had the same symptoms, Doctor now putting it down to stress tension lost both of my parents very close together last year very traumatic time, so he thinks its a build up over months which has caused the symptoms that I have been having, started going swimming and trying to relax more it seems to be helping.

30-06-11, 02:06
Swimmings great for relieving stress and anxiety, Im glad that you have pushed yourself to exercise. Its so sad that you lost both of your parents so close together, I dont know if I'd ever be able to handle something like that. I dont know how I would go about paying for an MRI, who do i speak to?? Thanks by the way x

30-06-11, 02:24
I don't think you need a scan I think you have what I have, and swimming does help, also have a Jaccuzi there, so relax's the muscles, am trying to go at least twice a week, if you are tempted to go for a scan to reasure yourself it cost me £290 and it was a next day 20 minute precedure no radiation involved uses Magnetic resonance instead, took 5 days for the results but I am pretty sure going off your symptoms you are full of tension, I used these people http://www.diagnostichealthcareltd.com/mri1.php depends on your area though I live near Manchester.

Yes last year was the worst in my life, my farther died suddenly with a massive stroke, and my mother was diagnosed with terminal Lung Cancer 6 months later, I became her full time carer for 8 months until she passed away on the 27th May 2010, a shattering experience, I live on my own they were all I had I think about them often.

30-06-11, 02:29
Awww, you poor thing! I am sending you massive hugs :bighug1:
and a big thankyou for your support :flowers:

30-06-11, 02:30
P.S Do you have any other family? x

30-06-11, 02:37
Awww, you poor thing! I am sending you massive hugs :bighug1:
and a big thankyou for your support :flowers:

Thank you Pinkpiglet hugs accepted, I hope you get some relief for you head pressure I know its disturbing when it comes xx

30-06-11, 02:42
P.S Do you have any other family? x

I have a brother who lives nearby but we only really speak every other week, he called today to see how I had gone on with the scan, I have friends I go swimming with but nobody can replace the people you love and love you, I don't moan to anyone about what happened it's just something that I have had to try and deal with, although now I wish I had sought some form of bereavement counseling xx

30-06-11, 03:00
Im sorry to....I sure hope you feel better soon....