View Full Version : Diarrhea? what can it be??

29-06-11, 17:59
Hey everyone
since my HA reared its ugle head a few weeks ago, i have been getting bouts of diarrhea, i think its IBS but im worrying that its something underlying, its on and off like not at all for 3 days then i get it, then nothing for few days then get it again, if it were something horrible, would it go away and come back again?? or would it just get worse and constant, Help!!

29-06-11, 20:06
Intermittent bouts of Diahrhoea are a common prob with IBS . Like you say if it were a bug or something it would be persistent .Nerves and Anxiety cause the bowel to go into spasm ..this causes either constipation and or Diarhroea .Try taking some Buscopan. Also practice some relaxation whilst you are feeling anxious .This will help the Bowel to get back to a normal rythmn .If it doesnt clear up in a week, go and see your Gp ,he will be able to perscribe something else that will help ..Hope you feel better soon t /c Sue x

29-06-11, 20:37
Hey there,

My HA has reared it's ugly head again for the first time in a couple of months and ever since I've had diahorrea (4 times today - TMI sorry!!). It's the first thing I get when my anxiety gets bad, I'm pretty sure yours is all related too.
