View Full Version : hello...just joined

saffy f
29-06-11, 21:14
I am so pleased that I have found this site.I have suffered with health anxieties for years and thought I was the only one,never really admitted it to anyone either as felt so stupid and ashamed.The last couple of weeks I have had really bad panic attacks and today I have actually been to the doctor and explained how I have been feeling.The worry and panic of getting cancer and dying is starting to ruin my life.Worrying about something that might never happen is so upsetting.
I have been put on anti depressants for my panic attacks and referred to councilling for the anxiety.
I really want to be sorted and finding this site and realising I am not alone is so reassuring!!xx

29-06-11, 21:16
Hi saffy f

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

29-06-11, 21:17

saffy f
29-06-11, 21:25
thank you :)