View Full Version : exhaustion

26-04-06, 18:55
Does anyone else feel absoloutly exhausted by the end of the day - aching body and lightheaded exhaustion? My anxiety seems to be easing but this exhaustion is starting me worrying again. I don't sleep well, but its more than just lack of sleep.
Love Helen

26-04-06, 19:02
How is your diet?

Some foods can make you feel worse.

Also I know this sounds mad but exercise is fantastic when you are tired - you could try that.

Have you had any blood tests for things such as anaemia?


26-04-06, 19:28
I changed my diet aweek ago and I no longer feel a need to sleep during the day. And Nicola's right; excercise will definitely breathe some new life into you with the added bonus of keeping some of the anxiety at bay by burning off excess adrenalin.

Shiv x

26-04-06, 19:52

Diet may be the cause of not sleeping or it could be your routine. The bedromm should be off limits except for sleeping or making love, if your computer is in the Broom move it out. Dont eat late at night, your digestion will also keep you awake. Do not take a stimulant late at night, coffee tea etc they will keep you awake. Do not take depressants late at night, alchol is the most obvious, though it may seem to put you to sleep it doesnt give you rem sleep, thats where we get the most rest and recharge our batteries. If you want a drink at night try warm milk or horlicks. Do not read before going to sleep, this sets the mind going as the reading is a mental stimulus. Get into a routine, go to bed when you re tired, if you are still trying to get to sleep after twenty or thirty mins get up and do an activity, make it a mindless one. Before you go to sleep use relaxation, if you have a good relaxation cd use it.

I hope the suggestions will be of some use to you, sleep is the great leveller, without it or without the proper type of sleep we cannot hope to conquer anything at all. Finally let your body decide how much sleep you want to have, you may need 10 hours, Churchill existed on only four and he suffered from depression.


27-04-06, 16:18
Hi everyone - thanks for your replies, I have started exercising again and I've started a GI diet, hopefully they will help. I think maybe I've overdone it this last week, I'm a teacher and have just had 2 weeks relaxing break where I almost started to feel normal again and now I'm back to the chaos of 28 5/6 year olds!!
I've also been googling adrenal fatigue and reading the Claire Weekes books about the 4 fatigues and managed to scare my self silly, convinced I'm going to keel over and die because my cortisol and DHEA are so low!
I'm going to go and read ollie35's post about negative scary thoughts!!
Thanks again for all the advice, I'll give it a go.
Love Helen

28-04-06, 11:02
Just to add: the GI Diet has been brilliant for me. Definitely given me more energy. And less weight (natch!).
I also found some natural Kelp tablets (Bioforce is the brand), which I take before breakfast and lunch. They definitely make me feel good and have more energy.
Exercise is briliant as others have said. Don't overdo it though, start small and build slow. You have to keep it going, is the thing. Little and often is the best way. The effect is culmulative over time.
Best of luck and I'm sure you will be doing great very soon!

28-04-06, 17:35
Thanks for your advice Jason - I'm going to slow down at work again and start some exercise, I've felt better today, I guess we just need to take things slowly.
Love Helen

29-04-06, 13:15
Hi ya giddy
Oh my god yes by the end of the day i am so weary, and yet that weary troubled mind and aching body will not give in and sleep...its a nightmare huh.
I wake up feeling extremley tired too.. it is all part of the process.. try and take it easy on yourself though love,especially while you are like this..give yourself some proper tlc.

ashley x

29-04-06, 19:04
Ashley - thanks for your kind words, I was starting to think the exhaustion was something more, its so horrible and frustrating!!
Love Helen

May Day
30-04-06, 17:27
Hi giddy

I also know the stresses that working in school can bring. The claire Weekes book is very good and gives information about how adrenaline affects your body. I too feel very tired by the end of the day and go to bed earlier than i've ever done in my life. Good healthy food should also help you overcome the fatigue.

Take care


The brightest, sunniest day may follow the darkest, stormiest night ... enjoy the sun

30-04-06, 19:00
Thanks May - I go to bed really early too!!! Its so annoying, I really want to go out one night, now that the anxiety is going, but just don't have the energy!!
Love Helen

30-04-06, 22:18
helen did the claire weekes book about your exaustion not put your mind at ease?

we all get it its a horrible tiredness but at least your not alone

take care


01-05-06, 08:36
Hi Jackie, thanks for the reply - the Claire Weekes books did help, I'm reading them again and have folded over the pages about exhaustion that really made sense so I can keep reading them. I think the bit that helped the most was where she says the exhaustion is often the last symptom to go as this seems to be he thing I'm stuck with at the moment!! I guess as she says 'let time pass!'
It does help to know I'm not the only one, helps me realise it's anxiey related and nothing more sinister!
Take care
Love Helen