View Full Version : Neck Problems ... Why?

29-06-11, 21:33
I have posted this before and its really making me wonder what is going on. I feel sometime like my neck has shifted and it hurts here and there. Sometimes in the middle of the neck sometimes on the side and when I put my head back sometimes it feels like I have a rope around my neck but its only the skin.

Sometimes I am really aware of the feeling and my neck hurts and sometimes I go for a week and don' t experience any of this. Primarily It feels like there is something behind my neck but when I feel it I don't feel anything except my skin. Some people say go get an adjustment and about the time I think I might it goes away for a week or so.

If its something serious wouldnt it be continous? To me ,Im wondering if stress or anxiety might cause this? since its not all the time? I have had bad posture all my life,and wondering if now if since im older that arthritis has set in that area and comes and goes and will just be a fact of life,but sometimes at night myneck in the front fills really tight too.

I think now that I might have a condition called forward head that might be causing the neck issues too. Like I said I have had bad posture all my life and dont syand up straight and I slouch. If anyone experiences anything like this please post to me.Its very worrisome and bothers me alot. Thanks in advance.

29-06-11, 21:40
I also get something very similar to this which feels almost like my neck is never in the right place. Can't say I ever had it before suffering with anxiety so I suppose there is a chance that it could be related to that. Usually I get pain on the sides of my neck and the feeling that there's something holding the front of my neck. Like you though I;ve also got very bad posture and find it almost impossible to sit/stand straight. If you find any answers do let me know as this is bothering me slightly aswell

30-06-11, 00:06
I have tense muscles in one side of neck, I can actually see where the muscles are hard and sorta sick out a bit, I guess that is what they mean by a knot in your muscles?
Try buying new pillows, get one of those wheat bags, you can put it in the microwave , and then drape over your neck.
I have a few in different sizes and they can help.

30-06-11, 01:33
Ill try that Mishel ,thanks ...I did get a new pillow but think it was too firm but the heat things sounds good.

30-06-11, 01:35
I have the neck problems too.

30-06-11, 01:51
My hubby (Lion King) suffered terrible with his neck! Infact this was his first ever physical indicator that he had anxiety. He used to hold his neck at an angle (especially when eating) and he just had this horrific discomfort. It really was the bane of his life when he initially started with anxiety as people (including me-shamefully) used to notice it and make remarks about it. In the end he started having massages to help ease it) Maybe you should send him a PM and see what advice or support he can offer. x

30-06-11, 02:48
Maybe a message would really help. I think mine is whats called readers neck. Ill check with your hubby and see how he handles it... but thanks for your support and help. It makes me feel better to know im not alone. Michael