View Full Version : Thank You x

29-06-11, 21:57
I had a pretty rough time a few weeks ago, I was off on sick leave from work due to work related stress, anxiety and depression. While I was off I was lucky enough to find a new job (which I love) but after my notice ended I was still being contacted by my old workplace and was still being bullied by them.
If it hadn't have been for the wonderful people on this forum, especially Snowgoose and Suzy Sue, I don't think I'd have got through it.
As I said, I love my new job and haven't heard anything from my old employers in a few weeks, if I do then I'll let my solicitor handle it.
But I just wanted to say thank you so much.
Tina :hugs::hugs:

30-06-11, 00:06
Aww thank you Tina :hugs:You were more than welcome ..Just glad to be of some help .Im so pleased you are now getting on with your life and are happy in your new job .You did all the work my love ,we just gave you support to help you .Ive met some truly wonderful people here who have helped me during my time here .Without this site I wouldnt have been able to help you .So a big thanks to Nic and the Admins too for making all this possible ..I hope you continue to go from strength to strength .Sometimes things happen for a reason ,something I often say which isnt always apparent at the time .Food for thought eh ? Hope youve heard the last of those nasty people .But one last word ...Karma ..:winks:.Luv n :hugs: Sue xx