View Full Version : Tounge/throat/eyes.......I can't so no more

29-06-11, 22:13
Why why why

Inwas doing well then wham it's back again. Not even just anxiety there's always something.

I've had tooth infection a whole on an off had antibiotics and having it out on Friday however it still causes pain every now and then. Tonight it was doing that so brushed my teeth has it helps then inhad a niggle pain on side of my younger. This progressed rapidly to my throat and back of tounge feeling painill and my tounge feels swollen when it's not. When ibtalk o feel like it's swollen and I'm scared, noticed my tounge has. Funny colour to it too.

What is all this. This evening inhad it where my eyes were sore like heavy and painful they now look a little blood shot.

What's Wong I'm so scared of dying but im at breaking point now

30-06-11, 00:02
Hey I had a few tooth infections, my health anxiety went a bit mad :blush:
Pain from the nerve in the tooth depending on where it is can cause pain in other places.
Your better of NOT touching the tooth, your on antibiotics plus will be having it out so it would be safe enough not to brush it.
Ring your dentist in the morning, or the NHS nurse and tell them your symptoms if your still worried.