View Full Version : Dont know if I can handle getting older.It hurts physically and emotionally!

30-06-11, 01:04
At age 56... some would say,oh thats not old...huh! I tell you what....I worked hard all my life and did hard physical things being in shape all my life. I have exercised my brains out for the last 40 years of I know....

Ok we kept ourselves in shape to live longer and feel better.Guess what?Not so.Surprise surprise ....famil had arthritis and among other things and older age isnt looking that great. More pain more anquish....so sad. Everyday I get up work in the yard,take a walk and try to be active most days. I also read alot and research and keep busy. For the last few days my neck has really been bothering me and today I went out to do myusual yard work and my neck was hurting so I just kept on going.

I did my yard work then unpacked some thingswe had ordered and then took a walk. My hip started hurting so bad I thought it was going to break and the calves of my legs hurt so bad all I could do is come in sit down and cried.

Its not fair,someone that woked so hard and kept in great shape to be in so much pain,not to mention the e,otional distress from knowing Ill never be able to do much that I did before at least with no pain.

I get weird buzzing sensations all over my body everyday and my arms and legs get so tired and hurt...Im not sure why I ever wanted or worried about getting older. Also hearing about friends that are dying from this or that and people you have always known dropping like flies..

If I would have known what I know now I might not have worried about getting older. Its just sooooo very sad... to sit and feel the way I do and no matter what I do doesnt make a difference to the way I feel and all of this to boot anxiety makes me feel worse worrying about the future. If its this bad now ,will I be able to handle it IF I get older.. im seriously depressed and worried here. I just had to let loose my feelings here in hopes it might make me feel a little better. Thanks for reading

30-06-11, 01:30
Also get cramps in my sides right and left all the time like I never use the muscles but I do.... I felt so much better even last summer:(

30-06-11, 01:36
I'm 55 and wish I wasn't feeling the effects of age and anxiety too. Hard on my body.

30-06-11, 01:44
There you go...you said it! You felt so much better last summer!!
Now thats not really so long ago is it? Chances are that this anxiety and depression could lift as quickly as it came. It does happen...doesnt it!!?? We go through bad patches.....okay...horrific patches even, but we also bounce back from them. Its good that you are keeping active, you could so easily just give in, but you are better than that. Better than this monster we have living within us. You arent going to let it get you down altogether, and you are going to keep going, keep walking and fighting your way through the prickles til you come out the other side. Its easy for me to sit here and say this (well not really it isnt) but I, like you, knows how good life can be. Maybe you should try seeing a physio for your pains and cramps. x

30-06-11, 01:54
It was hurting so bad today I actually cried. I never do that and thinking about all the things I cant do anymore just made it worse. Im sitting here wondering if I have Muscular dystrophy. I dont think anybody in my family had MD but I know they all had severe arthritis .... I just never thought I would but well guess at least I inherited something...too bad it would have been better inheriting money lol but guess I got the crap stuff ....just never thought I would. My mother had it bad she lived to 79 my aunts most died in their 90's they all had it....I dont understand how hey made it. I guess they were stronger than I am:(

30-06-11, 02:00
I would cry too if i was in pain....I DO CRY!! I cry many days over my dizziness, headaches, general shitty feelings (pardon my french) and I'm only 35. You are feeling down and you are entitled to cry....keep on crying, it does us good. Im pretty sure also that many people worry about getting old and less energetic but remember that these are also affects of the monster within. x

30-06-11, 02:45
Thank you I appreciate the support and help...I dont feel so alone . Michael