View Full Version : New guy here

30-06-11, 02:53
Sorry to bother you all, but is has been a rough couple of months for me. I am a 33 year old male, and I am from North Carolina in America. I had bad anxiety when I was 25 for a couple years and it went away on its own. A few months back, I started my own classic cars sales, and it has been insane. I am doing really well for just starting, but I am partners with my father, and it is a lot of added stress.

I am married to a good lady, and have a 3 year old son and 1 year old daughter. As of late, everything is stressing me out so bad, that I end up snapping at people over nothing. They can ask me a simple question and I just go off the handle.

I hate taking meds, I got a .25 xanax scrip from my doc, but I haven't taken the first one. I have been to the hospital twice over this stuff, both times I thought I was dying with a heart attack, and all the test came back fine. It is really embarrassing. My wife suffers from anxiety and depression, but she is on meds, and hanging in there.

I am one of those happy go lucky type of guys, and for the past 3 months, I hate the way I feel. I am always on edge, even getting slight depression. Besides becoming a pill head and going to therapy, is there any thing else I can do. I do the breathing when things get hard, and it works for a bit. Just would really like to get a positive attitude again, and just love those around me , and stop snapping at them.

Thanks, and sorry for the rambling on.


30-06-11, 03:25
Jobs can be stressful , when you run your own business you have way more responsibility, the add on the fact you work with you dad which is bound to cause conflict and maybe even a bit of a power struggle.
This would cause anyone anxiety, even more so that you are already predisposed to anxiety disorders.
Wow you have a family too , aww :)
when I have anxiety I need to be left alone, I can't really handle much, so I can totally understand how you snap more easily and over little things.
Sedatives do help, but it's temporary, they are addictive too.
CBT , any form of therapy where you have the support of another person is what helps the most.
drugs can and do help, but CBT gives you the tools so you can manage your anxiety.
Don't be embarrassed, a panic attack really does make you feel like you dying, if any person had those symptoms they would do the same thing and go to the ER!
Your wifes depression and anxiety might be affecting you too,not that it's anyones fault.
What do you think is the root cause of your anxiety?
Is there any changes in your life that you could make for the better?
Maybe a holiday could help if your just stressed out/ like a weekend alone or with your wife?
you could try getting a massage, that one hour all to your self and relaxing could really help.

30-06-11, 03:44
Thanks for your quick reply. I sit around all day worrying if I am going to sell a car, and I am doing really well, just can't convince myself that I am. I have always been one of those 100% or nothing type of people and need to retrain my brain on that. I am feeling anxiety right now typing all of this.

My relationship was on the rocks a couple months back and it had me really down, my wife and mother don't get along at all and I wish they really did, but I can't make them. I love my wife with all my heart, but she is the strong type with the tough love and I am the emotional type who needs constant reassurance.

My parents put all their problems on my shoulders, and I have asked them to stop 1000000 times, but it doesn't sink in. I just get so stressed out so quick over nothing. I want to take a vacation with my wife alone, but she keeps putting it off, saying who will take care of the kids and all that sort of stuff. She just started a new job, and it is going well for her, but puts some stress on me, making sure my mom or her mom can be here to watch the kids, or I have to leave work early to take care of them. I have no problems with taking care of them, but I am not the best with young kids. I am learning everyday to be a better father, it is just tough.

I have been to couples therapy with my wife, and it didn't help to much. We are both so pig headed and really didn't give it 100%. I am starting group therapy at the local Veterans hospital next week. It just makes me feel better to type this out and know I am not alone.

Thanks guys and gals.
