View Full Version : Anyone else have a weak but not weak feeling in their body.

30-06-11, 04:31
For the last few days I have had a weak sensation in my right arm and leg,almost like a very tired sensation in both but im not so weak in the leg that I csnt walk or not so weak in my arm I cant grip things but im very aware of both,if that makes sense? Also my right neck hurts in the lower neck at the base under my ear roght above my collar bone,and I get headaches on laying down.

Im wondering if this is all related or just random anxiety symptoms? I worry about strokes alot. Oh yeah and sometimes my right eye gets blurry or feels funny. Anybody else feel these things?

01-07-11, 12:30
Yes, I get a lot of this.
I put it down to my anxiety most of the time :)
You must be having a hard time atm, this is your 5th thread on this page :(

01-07-11, 18:49
Yeah am having a hardtime,and the bad thing is I dont usually post this much and I dont mean to bother anyone,I just worry and this is about the only place I felt I belonged but now maybe you are right I post too much and I dont belong here either. I feel so damn alone!!!!!!

01-07-11, 18:59
Yeah am having a hardtime,and the bad thing is I dont usually post this much and I dont mean to bother anyone,I just worry and this is about the only place I felt I belonged but now maybe you are right I post too much and I dont belong here either. I feel so damn alone!!!!!!

Aww that is not true Michael. You are more than welcome here and you post all you like if it helps :hugs:

01-07-11, 19:09

have had this feeling of weakness down one side of my body for years .......in fact I know it is weaker cos it is my less dominant side . this is the side where my foot swells and I get head shooting pains .neck trouble etc.
have accepted it now to be honest .nothing awful has happened [fingers crossing as I type ]
my old mum has always had a BAD side to her body for as long as I remember with pains etc .and she is coming up to ninety years of age :)
I have learned to not worry too much though ...but it is in my mind I know .
Do you take a small aspirin daily ? it is recommended by some here in UK as sensible .as long as you have not got bleeding or stomach problems .on blood thinning drugs or allergic .

take care

01-07-11, 20:03
You should post as much as you need to :)))

01-07-11, 22:45
Thank you all for your kind response and support. I feel better but I was upset for a bit. You all make me feel better. Thank you!