View Full Version : Terrified of this bleeding now :(

30-06-11, 10:03

I have posted before but I am so worried now. I went to the doctors at the beginning of last week because for 3 weeks I had noticed a fair amount of fresh blood every time I opened my bowels. (No pain and no constipation though) She suggested it may be internal piles and gave me suppositries which I have used but it is still happening. Last night it happened so much that the water in the loo was red and there were small clots on the loo paper after I'd wiped and a lot of bright red blood.

I know I need to go back to the doctors but I am so terrified at the moment I feel like crying. I am going to Marbella next week for a hen do and am now thinking all sorts of things like, 'what if flying makes it worse,' 'what if I get really ill out there,' etc etc.

I just wondered if anybody had any words of advice at all because I am at my desk at work feeling like I must be dying :(

Em x

30-06-11, 10:12
Nothing like this has ever happened to me, but it did to my closest friend, every time she went to the toilet they would be loads of fresh blood, it was internal piles. my boyfriends step dad is currently having the same problem. i no its really awful and scary but fresh blood is generally ok, its if the blood is black that its worrying. i no my boyfriends step dad has been suffering for a while and the doc jst told him to use suppositries, hope the doc can sort somethign out for you :) x

30-06-11, 11:19
Thanks for your reply. The suppositries didn't seem to work though :( x

30-06-11, 11:51
If you have run out of suppositries go and get some more Emmax.Its common for them to take a while to heal due to the continuous use of the bowel wall .Im sure you will be fine in time .Flying wont affect it and there are hospitals out there and clinics if you need them ..Doubt if you will tho ..Try to enjoy your Hen weekend ..Luv Sue x:hugs:

30-06-11, 12:18
Piles can take ages to heal. I have loads of them so blood in the loo is a regular thing for me.

It won't matter if you fly though.

If they don't heal then ask if they can be injected which should help.

30-06-11, 13:20
Thank you everyone. The thing I'm worried about is that she didn't actually feel or see any piles when she examined me so it could be something else...... I am sometimes passing more blood than stools!! I am going to get some more suppositries on my break though and give it a go! I can't even get a doctors appointment until next week. xx

30-06-11, 13:23
fresh blood, is generally piles. i no its strange but frsh blood is a good thing, not as good as no blood but better than black blood. but if i were you id go back to docs, because you wont enjoy your holiday otherwise. just for the reassurance :)

30-06-11, 13:56
You wont be able to feel them if they are high up ..You might have a fissure which is a slight tear .there are lots of small blood vessels in the bowel and these bleed like your ears do when cut .Most Drs have emergency appointments or there are drop in clinics you could go to ,Reasurance will give you peace of mind.Phone the Drs and tell them its urgent you are going away, and need to see the Dr before you go .:hugs:Sue x

30-06-11, 15:11
I have blood a lot of the time! One time the whole toilet was just full of it! It was everywhere!
I've had it for a long time and it doesn't get any less scary each time :( I guess it's just something we have to deal with with these horrible piles/fissures.