View Full Version : Hi all - Long term sufferer - new here

30-06-11, 11:00
Hi all

Just found this forum and very glad i did.

Im a 52 years old gay male living alone in central London.

I have suffered severe panics attacks since 1985 after an anaphylactic shock to an injection. After many years and finally accepting that i wouldnt have Anaphylaxis again i finally recognised that i did indeed have sever panic disorder.

25 years down the line im still suffering but so much less than before thanks to CBT , breathing techniques and self belief. Belief is the most important thing i believe to help beat this awful disorder. Believe you can beat it and you will.

Im still on the medication ( yes its addicitve) but reducing while staying in control.

Somehow i managed to stay in full time work during all these years even though some of the attacks were dreadful and resulted in me laying on the floor hyperventilating and crying for help in public places as well as many sympathetic reactions ( instant bowel emptying)

If only forums like this had existed all those years ago.

I wasted many years with counsellors/psychologists/doctors who were unaware of CBT and teaching people to breathe properly and tried to get me to listen to whale music that i almost became suicidal.

Thankfully CBT rode to my rescue and while i still have panic attacks out of the blue i am almost always able to make them stop within seconds and at worst 90 minutes. Coupled with breathing excercises and

I am much more in control of my life and frequently travel alone to asia as well as continue to work full time.

Knowing the importance of having someone to talk to who really understands what you are going through was vital to me - as was having things to read that make sense and help me get through the attacks.

Im not 100% "cured" but im getting there.

So i hope i can help some of you while helping myself.

ANy questions please dont be scared to ask,

30-06-11, 11:01
Hi paulhem

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
30-06-11, 21:13
Welcome Paul, its fantastic to have you with us. You sound like a lovely person and we are happy to have you on board! You'll meet lots of friends here and get some great support for yourself too. Happy to know you!:welcome:

30-06-11, 21:51
Hi Paul and :welcome:..from me too .Nice to see you here .Im sure you will meet plenty of people here that you can help ,and likewise them you .,Hope you find the wealth of information and Support here a great comfort as I have done .T/c Luv Sue x