View Full Version : Vertigo during the night?

30-06-11, 12:27
Hi everybody. I've woken up during two of the last few nights with vertigo - the room revolving around me. The first night it happened I'd had temazepam and put it down to that. Last night I hadn't had any though. Anyone experienced this or know what might be causing it? thanks xx

30-06-11, 13:11
Yes and this is the one thing that I hate the most.
Have had it on and off for 25 years now.
Now my husband has died I hate it even more.
I got this in the night about 3 weeks ago when I went to get out of bed to go to the loo.
I tried to talk myself out of it by saying I have had it a thousand times and no harm would come to me. I really tried to get my breathing to slow and tried real hard to relax with the breathing.
This is something for years I could not do but as now I am on my own have had to try real hard to do it.
It did help a bit but I am still scared of this and as I get it in the day as well this is the one thing why I just dare not go out alone.
How are you felling now

30-06-11, 14:14
Hi Loveletter, thanks for replying and I'm so sorry you lost your husband. I feel quite rubbish tbh, sore head, dizzy, bit of nausea. Do you have any idea what causes this with you? Xxx

30-06-11, 18:14
Hi there. I went through something similar a few years ago after I fainted. Every time I turned over in bed the room would spin. My Dr diagnosed it as benign positional vertigo and there is physio that can help improve/stop it. I also think some of mine is when I fainted I think I banged my head which in turn loosened something in my inner ear.

paula lynne
30-06-11, 21:07
Could be the Temazepam, it can affect you for 48hrs after...are you drinking plenty of fluids hun? May be anti-biotics for your tooth too?.....This is one of the worst symptoms for me next to palps. I hope you get some relief. Keeping a foot on the floor can help or touching the wall behind you x

30-06-11, 22:25
All the doctors say it is anxiety

30-06-11, 22:34
Hi I get this too mainly happens toe if I'm stressed etc j don't sleep soundly and when I wake my mind still wants to sleep x it's hard though c

01-07-11, 17:35
I started getting this during my university first year exam period. So bad that the room would spin so violently everytime my head hit the pillow and I'd feel instantly sick. Happened especially the nights around my last two exams meaning i was surviving on no sleep because even bed seemed like a horrible place. i still get it now and then when im especially stressed

02-07-11, 09:51
Thanks for your replies everybody. Loveletter, I'm sorry you got the old "anxiety" diagnosis. Maybe that is the reason but is seems so much is put down to that. It must be particularly frightening to have this when you live alone :hugs:

Scaredstiff and Charlie, can't see I;ve been feeling stressed but I did do a run of working six days in a row over last weekend, which is tough going as I have CFS/ME. Maybe it was having more impact on on me than I realised.

Paula, I've been off the antibiotics since last Saturday or Sunday so I don't think it's that. Interesting that temazepam can still be having an effect that long after taking it, I didn't know that.

Still I've had two nights without vertigo now so I hope it's gone. Thanks to all xxx

02-07-11, 19:26
I've had it a few times, normally waking between 6 and 8 with the room spinning. It can be caused by anxiety, medication or could be an unrelated ear infection.

02-07-11, 20:12
hi ive also had this off and on for years. id wake up and turn on the other side and everything would be spinning. is so scarey. ive had this for along time and still i panic. when i try to get up the whole room would be spinning. for some reason i seem to get this once a year every year. i mentioned it to the doc and she said it wasnt anything serious. i do think mine is posturial vertigo. try not to worry im sure its nothing sinister:hugs:

02-07-11, 23:22
I had this too for the first time last week. I woke up in the middle of the night, rolled over and the room started spinning. I couldn't even move my head at all without getting very dizzy. When I woke back up in the morning, it was still happening. I got out of bed and noticed my neck and shoulders were VERY tight. (they always are) I did some light stretching and the dizziness pretty much left. I noticed mid morning I was sitting at my computer and stretched by chin down to my left shoulder and everything started spinning again. I wonder if it could be from my neck being really tight. It seemed like during the night, if I laid on my left side, the spinning was at it's worst.