View Full Version : hi to everyone from ireland/anyone in my boat.

30-06-11, 12:35
This bloody reccesion is really taking its toll on me,i am really starting to panic.I am 50yrs.of age and a divorced father of 4 great children,ranging from 19 to 29yrs.I am panacking now cause my sons 21st birthday is on august 5th,and my eldest daughter is getting married on september 24th.I am struggling to pay my mortage and this morning i got letters saying that some of , my direct debts have not been paid.As i am typing this now i am even starting to stress more.Any advice from ANYONE!!??

30-06-11, 12:37
Hi crowbar

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

30-06-11, 14:06
I am also in Ireland and also absolutely struggling financially. We can no longer afford heating oil and have been without it for months. Our oven broke a while ago and we cannot afford to replace it. We have had the phone cut off and the electric cut off at various times in the last year and are really struggling to pay the bills. I think so many people are in the same boat here.
I wish I could offer you a magic solution but I'm sure you have thought of things like remortgaging. I am trying to take each day as it comes as we cut back in every way we can, buying all non brand items and forgoing things like a daily newspaper.
I try to remember that our health is the most important thing and also to believe that we will come through this and times will eventually get better.
Hang on in there. I hope things improve for you soon.