View Full Version : Hypnotherapy

30-06-11, 15:03
As any1 tried hypnotherapy for dealing wit anxiety and panic disorder?


30-06-11, 16:56
Hi Tinker

I went to my first hypnotherapy session this week and it was BRILLIANT. I suffer from Health Anxiety and my hypnotherapist is a curative one rather than uses NLP (which she uses as well). She seems to think she will cure me in 6 sessions!!! She said a lot of phobias and anxieties are not at all linked to what you imagine them to be so it takes the sessions to delve into my mind (won't take long) and work out why I am how I am. I know some people are really sceptical about such things but she hypnotised me at the end of the session - the first half was information gathering - and I felt so relaxed yet aware of what was going on. She didn't 'treat' me as such but was just sussing out how susceptible I was to the hypnosis but I felt so relaxed afterwards, slept really well and had NO anxiety the next day. I have had anxiety since but not as continuous and definitely more managable. I would definitely recommend it. I may even ditch my counsellor as won't be able to afford both but feel like hypnotherapy suits me best. I'm going again next week so will update you.


30-06-11, 18:17
Hi MM,

Thanks u very much 4 ur post and experience!!! I have had panic and anxiety 4 over 7 years an it's not been a prob dealing wit it. Untill Xmas just gne, it's a struggle even gettin out the bed :-(. However I want t try other options first b4 medication, I have been to c a hypnotherapist this week, who as gne throw everythin wit me and listened t everythin!!! I am bk nxt week 4 my first hypnosis, but 4 sum reason I am very scared?!?! She as told me 6 sessions shud do the trick an I will b myself again. But listenin t ur experience as just made me feel tha little more excited t go nxt week. Plz do let me no ow u get on an same here... Good luck

Tinker x:D

30-06-11, 18:46
Hi Tinker, I had hypnotherapy when I was at the height of my anxiety/panic, and I was n citalopram 40mg. The hypnotherapy really worked for me. As the previous post says, lots of people are sceptical about it, but I found that it really helped me. You are aware of what is going on around you but you are just so relaxed and she completely understood how I was feeling because she had previously suffered years before with anxiety/panic. I too only had about 6 sessions and as I say it was really helpful. I still had the mild 'blip' here and there but managed to get through them with tips from her. 18 months later I am now off citalopram and doing good. I occasionally have a bit of anxiety/panic but I manage to get through it with breathing exercises and occasionally a 2mg of diazepam.

I wish you the very best and hope that the hypnotherapy helps you. I say go for it and see how you get one.
Jannie x x

30-06-11, 19:07
I would love to try this but there are certain barriers for me *coughmoneycough*. The thing is you are in a relaxed and suggestible state. You can work out your problems with no mental stress. It is like tranquilising a horse while operating on it, or using aniesthetic to stitch up a cut. Sorry I'm of no help but this is a good thread.

30-06-11, 19:11
Hey jannie,

Thank u very much 4 ur experience, and it's great t c people like urself happy an leading the life u av prop wished 4 at a point like am at!!!! I feel like a monster as takin over my life an the real me is no wer t b seen, if tha makes sence?!?!? This is my first approach to any kind of help and even speaking out bout it, it's great t av this forum and pep t spk to tha understand as help and adv is very little. Yes I think I am goin t skip t my therapist nxt week as this monster as takin everythin from me my whole life as fallin apart.

Thank u very much x

30-06-11, 19:24
Hi pancho,

That really made me laugh(*coughmoneycough*) sum great feed back here to hypnotherapy

Tinker x

01-07-11, 10:58

Just saw your post and if you have had a blip I would recommend going to the hypnotherapist again. The one I saw said that NLP hypnotherapy acts as a 'sticking plaster' so your issues may rear their ugly heads again (could explain why my brother was hypnotised a couple of times to give up smoking and it worked for a while and then he took it up again). She explained that the curative method (used with NLP) is better as it cures you. I actually asked her outright "so after 6 sessions I will be free of anxiety" and she said "yes". She said there are very rare cases of something triggering your issue again in months or years to come but then you just need to go back to have a 'tweak' to sort you out.