View Full Version : MS - here we go again :(

30-06-11, 17:21
Hi all, long time sufferer on MS Health anxiety. i have been doing well day to day but i have a lot of 'symptoms' that wont go. Today has been awful & i really need some help :( my left leg spasm at least once a week & it happens all day only when i walk. What happens is deep within it feels like i am being pinched / stabbed its slightly painful but its the weird shock sensation. I am also have a very cold feeling right foot which i cannot warm up :( i have put a heat pack on it but that has made me even more scared :(

I have had these new symtoms for a few months but i have been living with the MS fear for 2 years 4 months now. If i did have MS would something have happened by now?

I hope someone can reassure me:weep: x

30-06-11, 19:37
Unfortunately I don't have any answers for you because I am in the same position, terrified I have MS. I started a post about that very thing a day or 2 ago, I don't know how to do a link but I'm sure you'll find it if you have a look. I'm not sure but maybe some of the answers may help you???

Big hugs, you are not alone
Kerri-anne xx

P.S. Silly question but have you ever been to see your GP or had any tests done??

30-06-11, 21:13
You would definitely know if you had MS, trust me! Just don't google for the symptoms! Well, you can pay a visit to the Dr. if that will make you calm, of course.

01-07-11, 14:02
To Tash and Kah,
You had the best reply from No Name.Please take notice.

01-07-11, 16:44
Hey Tash,

As per my previous post, I too have MS worries. Well today I went to see my GP, who is very patient with me considering I am there all the time, she did lots of neuro tests (basic ones) and can see no evidence that anything neurological is wrong. She said if I'm still worried in a month to go back & see her, I'm determined that there'll be no need, I am going to beat this bloody anxiety once and for all. I'm sick to death of missing out on stuff because I'm so worried about something or other.

Wishing you all the best
Kerri-anne xx

01-07-11, 19:26
I forgot for the neurological tests, they are very basic but definitely are the first thing to try if you are in doubt for some neuro disease. You can make them yourself at home to see nothing's wrong with you:)