View Full Version : havent done one of these for a while - need help

30-06-11, 20:10
I have a few allergies, but my anxiety has caused me to become very phobic of foods. I'm petrified of nuts and sesame seeds. I am away on business and ordered some gammon and chips, nearly finished my meal and found a sesame seed on my plate. I am not petrified I ate some seeds and I'm going to have a bad reaction alone in my hotel room. I am really shakey, feel like I can't swallow, headache and my face is bright red. I've never previously reacted to sesame I am just phobic to it. Please someone tell me I've worked myself up to cause the other symptoms. I'm so scared cos can't just pop to the hospital as I have no car and am hours away from home :'(

Hazel B
30-06-11, 20:51
I am sure you will be OK. Think of all your success with eating and remember that you coped before and can cope now. It's the worry making you feel strange, I'm sure.

You have come so far, this will pass. Take care.:hugs:

30-06-11, 21:00
hi :hugs:

you will be fine .............this is the old anxiety demon sitting on your shoulder.
you would be far more ill now if it was allergy reaction .
think rationally Amber .....one seed you think on your plate ..........could be a crumb even .. nothing nasty ....honest xxx

you have been a star recently with the wedding etc .........stay strong Lady x

you are maybe a bit vulnerable alone in hotel on business [who wouldnt be ? ]

All is well .........have a nice bath and put the radio on ........your breathing exercises ............calm it all down and be proud of yourself very proud for another battle won .

01-07-11, 01:43
The problem is that fear just spirals and then before you know, your body mimics symptoms. I hope by now you have realized that you are fine

01-07-11, 02:58
Remember you never reacted before, remeber how you have gotten the hot red face before and how anxiety caused :) I get the same fears as you, It sucks. Hope your feeling better x x sorry your anxious and not close to jome, hugs:)

01-07-11, 03:00
Typer thats so true, anxiety can even cause rashes in some people but hopefully not those with health anxiety!

04-07-11, 15:12
thank you so so much to everybody who helped me. i wrote this on my phone and then since getting back have been very busy getting things ready for my grandfathers funeral..

but the point is, i survived! the nasty sesame seed didn't do anything apart from make me quiver in my boots a bit...but not even TOO badly...ok i posted on here, listened to some relaxation and spoke to my boyfriend on the phone to calm down, but i eventually tackled the anxiety (which didn't go into a full panic attack, yay!) and managed to get to sleep and also eat breakfast at the hotel the next day!

you are all amazing, thank you so much for your support xxx

Hazel B
04-07-11, 16:04
Well done, once again you've shown true strength and bravery. You've got a lot to cope with at the moment, these blips may happen but you can cope.:yesyes:

05-07-11, 05:16
Yay! :yesyes:
Just to share something, I am allergic to certain foodstuff too. I get chronic hives (urticaria) if I eat certain stuff or come into contact with offending agents. I always make it a point to carry my preventive meds and antihistamines whenever I go on business trips. That way, I always feel safe and it helps to keep my anxiety in check.
And also, if you ever get really bad allergic reactions before like facial swelling, it might be good to check with your doc to get an epipen.