View Full Version : my poor kitten

26-04-06, 19:40
hi guys,,

i am moving into a new house on sunday,there is just me and my 2 year old kitten we both live in an apartment which i dont like anymore for various reasons due to my condition agaraphobia,,my kitten is an agarophobic also,,(housecat),

the new house is a purpose built 1 bedroom house and its great BUT the landlord will not allow pets ,,this house everyone says how lucky i have been to get it,, and ive already signrd the contracts and everything,

what can i do with poor kittie she has only ever known me she has never been outside and i am crying inside knowing that she has to go,,as i cannot now stay in the apartment i am in,,

i am so sad at the minute thinking about her,,

[Sigh...]please could you offer me some support and reasurance that she is a cat and she will soon forget about me,,

thank you so much guys,,


better to fight for something than to live for nothing

26-04-06, 19:46
hi trevor im so sorry about your sad situation i dont no much about cats but she is only 2 so im sure she will settle with some1 else.have u found her a home yet.i suppose its a case of having to put yourself first no matter how hard it is.i dont no what else to say only that try and look at this as a new begining ,that mite help.i will be thinking of u . marcia xx

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

26-04-06, 19:48
Ah, I feel so sad for you. I have a cat and a dog myself and I hate to say it but cats are very adaptable animals and tend not to get attached to humans in the same way dogs do. But then I don't know your cat personally.

Have you tried talking to your landlord and explain how important your cat is to you?

Shiv x

26-04-06, 19:56
Ohh Trevor,

I do feel for you, it sounds like you love animals like me, i spend alot of time at home also,cats and dogs make lovely company, i have a border collie that keeps me company she is like my best friend, im dreading tommorrow as the vet is coming to visit me, my dog (Gemma) as a heart problem and is now at the stage where we should be thinking of her been put to sleep, she as collapsed a couple of times this week and im sure the vet is going to want to put her to sleep tommorrow, i am going to be heartbroken when she is gone and fear that it will make my anxiety worse.
I realy feel for you Trevor but i am sure your little kitty will soon settle in her new home, cats can adapt alot easier to new surroundings. can you have any kind of animals Trevor in your new flat?

Its sounds like you are realy lucky to get your new flat, i wish you luck in your new home Trevor.

Love Andrea

26-04-06, 19:56
Hi Trevor,
I don't know very much about cats, but if they are anything like dogs she'll be fine as a friend of mine split from her hubby and had to get rid of her 18month collie, which broke her heart. Well lucky for her my sister had the dog and a bout a year later my friend and sister met up to see the dog. The funny thing was the dog paid my friend no attention at all. So, if your kitten is anything like dogs as long as she gets a loving home she will be fine. Good luck with the move.
Take care

What cannot be fitted into your day, cannot be done - forget about it!

26-04-06, 20:36
Trevor, I forgot to mention when I PMd you that one alternative would be to keep her in the new place anyway, as my housing association does not know that I have my Danny and he has been here since 2004 when he was a baby. I say keep her as long as you can until they find out. I couldnt bear to be parted from my one so I know how you feel

Anxiety Is Evil

26-04-06, 20:37
hi trevor
my heart goes out to you but like others have said kitty will be fine.
when i split up from my husband like u the flat i got didnt allow pets and i had to leave my 8 yr old cavalier king charles dog. It is so hard cos I see her at the window but im not allowed to see her or get a cuddle its heartbreaking but as time goes on it does get easier. She will find a lovely new home and will settle down fine.
Can you have other pets maybe a bird or fish or something - I find having photos around of her helps me.
I hope you settle in your new flat and time is a great healer.
thinking of you trevor
TAke care and good luck with the move

........life is for living not just for surviving

26-04-06, 21:54
hi guys,,

thank you so so much for your support ,
apparently i am not allowed any pets,,the only thing with keeping her for as long as i can in my new home is that she would be constantly sat at the window,,,in the new house,,
my flat that i am in now didnt allow pets but with it being on the second floor was very hard for the landlord to spot anything,,,she is very nosey my little kittie,,

with the new house i have 2 floors and she would be sat at the window downstairs all the time no-one could miss her,,

im not sure about any other pets i suppose i could ask ,,

thank you all again for you kind words and support,,it will make my decision easier,,

with love trevor,

better to fight for something than to live for nothing

28-04-06, 10:54
Though not really an animal lover, I feel for your situation - it would be hard not to.
Unlike what some people have said, cats and dogs are biologically very different. Dogs are pack animals. They bond to other individuals within a societal structure. That's why they form such strong attachments to their owners. It's part of their natural survival mechanism: the pack 'carries' the individual when it requires it. An ill dog is likely to survive, because dogs in a pack share food and collectively protect each other. This is true of all dog species.
Cats, on the other hand, are biological loners. They are programmed to be completely self-sufficient from the age of a few months. The mother cat teaches them a few key skills, and away they go. In the wild, cats hunt, feed, groom and do everything for themselves. This is true of all cat species with the exception of the African lion (panthera leo, if you're being scientific!). That's why an ill or wounded cat is at serious risk of death in the wild - if their ability to hunt and feed is compromised, there's no-one to help them, and they could starve.
The flip side of that coin is, happily for your situation, that cats basically don't rely on you! They are self-sufficient animals, they're programmed to be that way. (One example of this is the way they still hunt in your garden, even if you give them food three times a day!) Cats are adaptable and resilient, it's in their nature. Your cat may or may not like where it goes next, but one thing's for sure (I'm afraid!) - it won't be because it misses you or compares where it is to where it used to be! It will judge the new place on its merits, if it likes it, it will be happy. If not, it won't. Simple as that.
What this means is, if you find it a good new home in a nice place with a good owner, you can be certain it will settle and be happy there. Which should put your mind at rest.
Then all you have to worry about is how YOU feel! I'm afraid we humans are much more like dogs than cats. Sigh... if only...
Good luck.

Ma Larkin
28-04-06, 11:03
Aw bless Trev. When I moved a couple of years ago my kittie stayed with my next door neighbour. He spent more time in next door than he did at home (just to get away from the kids lol!!) He did adapt & I still see him wandering about when I go that way. I'm sure you'll find a good home for him & he'll settle in nicely.

Good luck with the move. You have to do what's right for you.

Les, x

30-04-06, 22:19
I think you landlord is... Well anyway, Id try again to ask exta nicely. Good luck. Cats are deep creatures actually (well mine is) But like relationships, we can all learn to love again. It doesnt mean we forget old partners- we are just more caught up with the present one. Shell be fine in the right home. Look after yourself.x Susan.


03-05-06, 18:07
hi guys,,

thank you so much for your kind words and support,,

i had to give her to the cats protection league,,i know she will be well looked after there and she will find a good loving home,,she has a better chance of a good home cause she was an indoor cat,,

boy it was hard and its hurting now,,sorry guys,,


better to fight for something than to live for nothing

03-05-06, 18:31
Aaaarh Trevor, Really feel for you it is hard but they will find a good home for her, they do home checks and are very careful who they place animals with so please be comforted that she will be in a happy & loving home

Take Care
Wendy x

05-05-06, 17:03
Hi Trevor,

So sorry you had to give her up.

Don't worry they are an excellent charity. I get there magazine bi monthly. They will find her a good loving home I am sure.

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X