View Full Version : acid reflux

30-06-11, 20:49
Hi there i have been having digestive problems for a few months now ,i went to doctor and he tested me for helicobacter which came back positive ,so he prescribed me antibiotics which i eventually took last week and finished on sunday .I was also on the omeprazole with the anti bs which sorted out the acid problem.But since monday the acid has been back with a vengance and the burping still the same though that never seems to get any better.I know its since finishing the omeprazole on sunday that the acid has come back but i really hoped once id done the anti bs it would all clear up but no not at all.I really dont want to be on omeprazole long term so dont know what to do next.I have been getting terrible acid reflux and bad nausea .Also ive noticed my ectopics are bad again and im sure this has something to do with my stomach.Just so sick of having these symptoms .Feel i just wasted a week taking the antibitics as they have done nothing.Do i have to accept that this is all caused by my nerves now ,all the burping and acid .I just feel so down that they are no better.kind regards molly xx

01-07-11, 01:41
Hi Molly - shame the anti'bs did not get to the problem.Will you be retested for H Pylori, just to be sure its gone?

I am sure the amounts of wind I get bring on the ectopics...could it be that those were more to do with how you feel. Or maybe things need time to settle.

Hope you get it sorted

01-07-11, 08:29
hi molly,

i am in exactly the same boat as you! i was tested positive for h.pylori and treated and almost immediatley after stopping the omeprazole i got the same burning sensation.


secondly, is there any reason y you do not want to take omeprazole regular? i have been doing so for a year now and have no problems! some days i dont feel i need it and only use it when and if i do?

i asked the gp about having an endoscopy to check my stomach and he said its not needed,i cope fine on 20mg dose of omeprazole every other day!

if you are against omeprazole then milk of magnesia is great!

any questions get in touch

mike x

01-07-11, 09:31
Hi Molly, I was on Lanzoprazole for acid and indigestion, when i say i was ill i was ILL i was so sick i was up all night, never getting any sleep and feeling physically drained, i definatly know how you feel, i was on my tablets for 6 months, as well as that i ate loads of fibre to help digestion, only drank water, avoided milk and ate raw cabbage, as it gets rid of all the acid, hope this helps x

01-07-11, 12:03
Hi guys thank you for your replies .I cant beleive after going through the anti bs the bloody thing can come back.My doc forgot to mention that.Im going to ask the doc to give be the breath test to see if it gone.I just dont like taking meds long term but maybe i am going to have too.The ectopics are all to do with anxiety and wind i think god knows.Im so tired of feeling this way.Thanks again xx

01-07-11, 22:09
hi guys, i have terrible digestives problems -i sympathise - acid,chest pain, indigestion, colic and diarrhoea. but mine is since having my gallbladder out 4 yrs ago. im on increasingly larger doses of ranitidine(the omeprazole did not agree with me). even self adjusted my meds up to to 600mg.have had various ultrasounds/scans/mri - nothing. the consultant said i was one of the unlucky ones and if it continued i had to have an endoscopy(?h.pylori ). well its getting worse so ive been re referred back for scope. terrified of having it done. anyway peppermint tea has been a great help in reducing the problems, dont know if anyones tried it. also im supposed to be on a healthy low fat diet, but can hardly eat any fruir, salad or veg cos the acid is making me ill