View Full Version : Time to confront my fears / Anxiety

26-04-06, 19:47
Hi Everyone

This may seem a strange post, I have choosen to post it under sucsess as it has taken me years and years to share this with anyone and I need to do it now to move on to my future, my ability to do so is purely down to the friends I have made and support I have received from this site, I have lived my life ashamed and weak of who I am and never let anyone know the "real" Wendy not family or friends as they have already judged me from the little they already know, I joined this site not really knowing who I would meet or what to expect but you people have made me your friend, never judged me and are slowly giving me the will to start living my life, you are the only people I have felt safe enough to share my darkest secrets, I am still scared, but I trust you all so here goes.... the causes for my Panic Attacks, Death Anxiety, Health Anxiety are below (In order of happening)

1) 3 Years old was made to see my Grandma Dead in Coffin
2) Deaths of remaining 3 grandparents over short time
3) Mothers Depression - was told Daily she wish I was either not born or a boy
4) Found my Father Dead from his Suicide. Exhaust filled car (Age 15)
5) Had to identify my Father with police to suport my mum
6) Made to return to school 2 Days following Death
7) Upon returning to school I had to sit through a Samaritans talk about Suicide and how it used to bring shame to the family
8) Deserted by my friends - I was no fun anymore
9) Attempted Rape by 2 "Friends"
10) :D My son Born - Best Day of my life (Age 21)
11) My mum trys to take control of my son "the son she always wanted", I go along to try and be the better daughter she always wanted
12) I meet boyfriend, So nice until..... the spitting at me, the slapping, the kicking of my car, the name calling the feeling of worthlessness
13) I turn to drink and drugs to block out the pain
14) Financial ruin, I loose everything
15) Sit with my aunite who is dying of cancer until she takes her last breath
15) I give up on life

Sorry to rant but feel like someone had just taken an iron bar from around neck....... this is now my past, I have released myself and am now moving on to my future.

Please dont see this as me been upset, It has taken me 32 years to do this and it is thanks you all

Thank you

Wendy xxx

26-04-06, 19:57
Dear Wendy

I have to say I felt very humble after reading your post - I think you are a very strong and brave person to be able to be so positive after such a traumatic time.

I wish you all the luck in the world hun.

Love Pinky

26-04-06, 19:57
Oh Wendy, I can identify with you on so many levels. Been throught the suicide thing twice in two years (stepdad and my sons dad) and the domestic violence and the drug thing. But let me tell you something. YOU ARE NOT WEAK. It takes great strength to go through the things you describe. i have felt ashamed and weak and worthless but people tell me they couldn't have survived the stuff I went through and it lifts me a bit. You've been through a whole lot more and you're here talking. You're a great strong person and I wish I could hug you.

You're better than those people who've knocked you down and don't forget it.

Shiv x

26-04-06, 20:04

What a barve person you are having to confront all those problems. MAy I say that as a person you are far better and worth a lot more than all the people who have been putting you down over the years. I can see why you were down and full of no esteem but now you are coming trough it you are beginning to realise that you are worthy and a nice person. I am privilliged to have been able to have the opportunity oof communicating with you and the way you have faced and defeated your demons is an object lesson to us all. Well done Wendy


26-04-06, 20:29
ARRh wendy..life isnt easy love is it and it deals us some nasty cards.. i think you have done so wll and come so far.. and wendy it isnt because of us, yes we gave you surport.. but all the hard work was done by you.. you started to belive in your self again..and trust yourself.
You are worth so much wendy and have to keep telling yourself this every day.. your a lovley kind hearted person .. and i feel that from you.

Things can only get better for you wendy, and if you ever get tough times you know that you can always turn here.. this is the place you can come , for strength to carry on and we can give you that strength any day of the week.. of the year..

You have done exellent girl.. well done

ashleyxxxx :D:D:D:D:D:D

26-04-06, 21:19

You have been through so much and yet all I have seen from you on this site is you trying to help others. I am so glad that you have decided to start living your life again. We, on this site, are much better for it.


26-04-06, 21:58
wow wendy,,

you have been through it,,i kept everything to my self until i found this site,,

good luck to you wendy,,

all the very best,


better to fight for something than to live for nothing

27-04-06, 07:03
Thank you all for the lovely replies - Cant express how much they everything you have said mean's to me, have a tear in my eye at such kind words x

Granny Primark
27-04-06, 11:37
Wendy, your story moved me to tears, Good luck in everything you do in the future. Take care

marie ross
27-04-06, 23:17
Wendy, U R BRILLIANT, i have just read your story, and wow! You are doing brilliantly. please just keep going and let everyone know how you are doing.
Take care thinking of you.

28-04-06, 10:29
Wendy, I know just how you feel about being the wrong sex for your mum. I got it all the time 'If only I had a son he would have done this or he yould have done that for me.' My mother was nearly 40 when she had me, so I was a 'mistake in the first place. My sister is 13 years older than me, and I was always told I didn't even compare to her. To be told I wasn't fit to tie her shoe laces, is something that stayed with me for a long time. Me and my lovely dad were the best of friends, I was deffinately a daddies girl. Both of them have passed away now, and there is nothing I can do about it. My mother had her reasons for feeling the way she did, perhaps something in her own childhood? It is such a shame for a mother and daughter not to have a special relationship' and she missed out on that. I have to think that she loved me in her own way, but was afraid to show affection. I have a great
relationship with my daughter and she knows I would walk over hot coals for her. Both her and my husband have been a tower of strength for me. I am glad you found this site Wendy and my heart goes out to you. All I can say is Onwards and Upwards from now !!!!

Best Wishes Jenny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

28-04-06, 12:39
hi wendy, well done, the best way to go forward is with your whole self, a very positive thing to do, tc .. andrew

30-04-06, 00:00

You are an inspiration to us all!!!! I'm so glad you are moving forward. All the very best.

30-04-06, 11:44
A brave post Wendy - and hopefully now the start of the next chapter in your life.

Big hugs

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

Two heads
30-04-06, 13:37
Wendy you are a very brave person and you are also very strong even if you dont feel it hun!Keep working on it sweet .

I know you will lead a happy and successful life you have the strength tGirl!xxx

30-04-06, 18:50
Thank you all for your supportive words here, Havent met any off you but feel you are all my best friends - Takes Special people to give such comfort, for all the negatives this anxiety thing gives a big positive for me is the people it has introduced me too, Take Care Wendy xx

30-04-06, 20:33
This is a very brave post and it is very courageous of you to be so open and share this with us.

I hope this is the turning point for you and wish you all the best in your continued recovery. We will be here to support you all the way.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

30-04-06, 20:56
Aaarh Thanks Karen x

09-05-06, 10:35
just read you post and it made me cry you are so brave and have been through so much but your still here and i truely believe sharing our problems help i hope the future has nothing but happiness,peace and love for you all the bestxxxx

jools xx

09-05-06, 12:09
Hi Jools

Thank you for such a lovely reply

Wendy x