View Full Version : Ah no :( :( Why do I do this to myself!?!?

30-06-11, 23:42
I just googled (I hate myself right now)

And I read a story about a red spot being a sign of imflammatory breast cancer. And I have this on my breast AND its warmer.

I'm REALLY freaking out now :( Can anyone help?

01-07-11, 00:04
I doubt very much you have this rare form of breast cancer .You would have more symptoms and know it if you did .How big is the spot ? is it like orange peel ? is there swelling and shooting pains ? Stop googling ...:nonono:.All it does is cause unecessary Anxiety Alice ....t/c Sue x

01-07-11, 00:13
I am getting some shooting pains. No orange peel, and the spot is about the size of this: o - but I have been picking at it and making it worse and more inflamed.

I've just been reading things to do with IBC. And there's a lot that say they started out with heat in their breast :( but also redness, and I don't think I have redness. I'm SO SO worried right now though.

The breast is bigger too :(

01-07-11, 00:19
It could just be a normal spot or gnat bite that you've irritated slightly by examining it? That is far more likely than you having this very rare disease :)

01-07-11, 00:20
I think it feels more like an ingrown hair but i'm not sure :( my breast is warmer than the other one and more tender too :(

01-07-11, 00:22
It isnt a spot like that Alice .Hormones can cause heat in the Breast and its normal to have one Breast bigger than the other .You may just be imagining that tho .If you pick a spot it will be inflammed .Leave it alone ,Im 99.9%percent sure you havnt got it .Like I said you would know about it if you did .It can increase the breast by double the size and the areas affected looked like orange peel in texture .You could also get an inverted nipple if its close to it .Chances are is just a common spot and your mind and the Infamous Dr Google has made you Anxious ..Im sure it will settle down .Put some antiseptic on the spot .It will go in a few days if you leave it alone ....T/c Sue x

01-07-11, 00:26
Thanks for your reply. Is it still hormonal to have heat in one breast? Or maybe it's because it's over my heart, is anyone elses breast warmer than the other?

So you don't think the spot sounds like IBC?

01-07-11, 00:39
Yes Alice Hormones can cause lots of things in relation to the breasts .I have had the heat thing .Ive also had three lumps there .All due to hormones .Not cancer .Picking spots and prodding will make the area sore ,and also warmer .It really doesnt sound like you have IBC ...If you are still feeling worried in a few days pop to the Drs for reassurance ...Bet , it will be better tho .:winks:.Now NO MORE DR GOOGLE ..EH ? t/C sue x

01-07-11, 01:12
Pain is NOT present with malignant breast conditions. The breast doctor I saw when I went with my lump and the very shooting pains you describe told me this catagorically.

I get countless numbers of red spots on my breasts and in between them as the skin is oily and gets sweaty there - just as on other areas of your body - plus hormones cause spots as any teenager can tell you!

I think you really need to ask yourself hun what benefit you are getting from Google, and the answer is clearly nothing as all it serves to do is make you more anxious, so what is the point in the end? It doesn't give you any correct answers to what you think you may have as only a medical professional can do that after a full, informed discussion of your particular symptoms, and sometimes not even then. Google is not personal enough or specific to your case. It is a very, very broad general ballpark idea which is usually worth tuppence.

Please try to stop using it and big hug to you.xxx