View Full Version : confused and worried

26-04-06, 20:13
im only 16 is it normal to have panic attacks and feel anxious at this age? Do i need to work out what triggers an attack before i can stop them altogether? i sometimes seem to have them for no particular reason just things that a few months ago would have been perfectly normal and nothing to worry about. i tend to think something bad is always going to happen to me and im constantly on edge and nothing an take my mind off of being worried and anxious is this all to do with the same thing?

26-04-06, 20:22
You are PERFECTLY normal. It could just be hormonal and pass and i know it's horrible when these attacks just sneak up on you. But rest assured you WILL get better

Shiv x

26-04-06, 20:26
Hi Kimberley,
Well done for joining this site please read as much of the advice and information on here that you can. You seem to have classic anxiety symptons and I think understanding your fears and accepting your anxiety will in time help you to cope.

Take care and keep in touch with everyone

What cannot be fitted into your day, cannot be done - forget about it!

26-04-06, 22:08
Kimberley :D

Arrh bless ya little heart.. welocme to nmp sweetheart.. 16 isnt young to have anxiety.. but not fair for your age love.
I belive i had anxiety when i was little..so your not the first young girl and sadley wont be the last..when you came to this site they is a home page with lotes of different helpful information giving you a good idea to why you are feeling this way, and that basically there is nothink dangerously wrong with you..its always best to have a little check -up at your doctors love, just to check that every thing is running the way it should be, but im pretty sure that this is anixety darling.

Read the home page , and take in the information it will help you ease your troubled little mind.


30-04-06, 10:09
hey hun,

you're definitely not too young to experience anxiety and panic attacks, because i do and im only 14!! if you can recognise a trigger that helps, but a lot of the time they'll come randomly. you should go and see your GP if you havent already, and dont be worried that he or she will brush you off, they're really supportive and can help you a lot.

hope that helped
love katie xxx

"If I can wipe from any human cheek, a tear,
Convince one man that hope and heaven are near,
Create more joy, more hope, less pain,
And though not one shall know my name nor drop a flower on my grave,
I shall not have lived in vain while here."