View Full Version : Freaking out - advice needed xxx

01-07-11, 07:35
Ok so I'm flying from Bahrain to UK 7hrs 40 mins flight tomorrow home for summer as I live in Bahrain. I suffer from severe anxiety, emetophobia, panic attacks, I am absolutely petrified of flying not because of crashing etc but because I hate being enclosed, terrified I will vomit, my panic attacks.

To make it really complicated I'm flying alone with my 5 yr old daughter and I'm 23 weeks pregnant so can't take any of the anti nausea med I normally take. The flight was only booked last night and it's the weekend in Bahrain so docs are closed otherwise I would have gone to ask about safe anti nausea meds although I really doubt I would be brave enough to try a new med on the day I was flying in case there were any nasty side effects.

I need to do this, however, Im really not sure I can, Please help me find the strength to do this xxx

01-07-11, 20:16
What anti nausea drugs did you take before? Maybe call a chemist and ask for advice?

I had to take the anti sickness drug zofran when I was pregnant because of hyperemesis, so there are some things you can take but doctors prefer to err on the side of caution. Does your practice not have a doctor on call that you can ask for advice?

Otherwise I don't have a lot of advice other than maybe letting the flight attendants know so they can help you/keep an eye out for your daughter a bit?

Maybe take some things to do to help distract you, games to play with your daughter e.t.c

Remember in the air there are people that can help you, professionals who fly and are used to all kinds of people who have different fears on flying. They won't judge you, you won't pass out and even if you are sick you won't be the first or the last. You can do it! I hope you and your daughter have a good stress free trip!

Maybe take some crackers with you or hard boiled sweets to suck on?