View Full Version : Will I be okay?

obsessive b
01-07-11, 07:41

I have currently been on 2mg of Cit for 4.5 weeks and today have just upped to 30mg. Am I gonna get hammered with side effects again and how long will it take to settle down?


01-07-11, 08:37
It all depends on you, some people don't get SEs at all. +10mg is not so much, i think if there are some side effects, they will not be as tough as when taking 20mg for the first time, that's for sure. When i upped my dose from 20 to 40mg, the side effects lasted for several days, nothing to be scared of.

obsessive b
01-07-11, 09:52
How are you feeling now have you started your other med?

01-07-11, 11:58
I am feeling ok, but i am still having some days where my mood is low. But definitely i think the medicine is helping, at least my HA is almost gone for now. I started taking lamotrigine but the first night i had a panic attack:ohmy: The dr. said to try again after a week, we'll see if it happens again- i will not take it anymore...

01-07-11, 14:22
I didn't notice any side effects really in going either from 20 to 30, or from 30 to 40, despite bad side effects when I first started. It seems with these that the side effects mostly happen when you go from 0 to something. If you do get any effects I am sure they will wear off very quickly.