View Full Version : off to the docs again!

01-07-11, 08:47
So I'm off th the docs again this morning, I bet when she sees my name come up on her list she thinks 'Oh Shit'! Anyway been feeling sick all night and this morning, still can't eat and still having problems downstairs. I am gonna get her to test me for a UTI this time and ask her about the possibility of me having cancer, but I just know I will feel worse if she sends me for tests, even to just put my mind at rest!!

01-07-11, 09:00
i know the feeling as many of us do that we are wasting their times,but they are paid to do a job.i have to say my gp has been fantastic.

the problems is getting to the bottom of needing the constant reassurance. as this feeds the anxiety. if you go docs today and he/she tells you there is nothing to worry about then u will feel comforted by that but for how long..........

i use the putting off method and its a must to combat anxiety,its not easy and it takes time but we have to fight the urges.

instead of asking your gp for tests for your symptoms,ask for a referal for some cbt. this is the treatment for what you really suffer with.....health anxiety!!

i know it sounds harsh but sometimes we need a reality check. i am sure you are fine,i know that because 99.9% of us on here are! :)

i know this is the best for you because i have just had a ct scan for what i thought was a brain tumour and just had blood tests to rule out thinking i had lymphoma. i am drawing a line under this hell and getting cbt counselling to overcome this and free me to live a happy life!!

we all have that inner strength to help ourselves! we just have to be strong.


good luck and let me know how you get on!

mike x

saffy f
01-07-11, 09:04
Hi Sorry your'e feeling unwell again.Do you always see the same dr and have you admitted to her how you feel.
Are you having any sort of cancelling? I'm starting mine next week and feel a bit better just knowing that x

01-07-11, 10:45
Hi there, yes I always see the same doc and luckily she is very patient with me. I had really bad anxiety 3 years ago and was put on fluoxetine and I was sent to counselling, but I didn't feel like that worked for me as I didn't have any issues or problems to talk about, I just felt so physically ill all the time, last time I mainly had head symptoms. Anyway I stopped taking the fluoxetine a few months ago cause I felt fine, anyway here we are again! I started the fluoxetine again a couple of weeks ago, so I know all this nausea may be coming from that. Anyway just been to see my doc and was reassurred for oh like 5 mins lol. I told her I was scared of having ovarian cancer and she felt my tummy and said everything felt fine and she could send me for that special blood test to reassure me, but she worries that I'm just getting caught in a cycle by having to wait for more test results, so I said that if she thought there was no cause for worry then I won't have the test cause I do really need to break the cycle. She did test my urine, but no infection there so either the anti biotics have cleared it up after 3 days or it was never an infection in the first place, so am wondering now what the hell is it then? Also this fixation started with my achy leg which has been on and off for over 2 years, so of course I am thinking there is something in there pushing against a nerve and my bladder and stuff! Or maybe I could try by utter most best to be rational and tell myself because I have had a late period that is messing stuff up in there and its all related to that, and the nausea has come from the anti biotics. The doc has now put me on anti sickness tablets, which I'm not gonna have unless desperate, I just wish I could eat x

saffy f
01-07-11, 11:02
i feel so sorry for you feeling like this...I know how you feel and so does everyone on here..
I started feeling like this when I left my abbusive ex partner,the father of my twin boys.They were 3 at the time and 14 now.I would worry all the time that I would die and leave them alone and it has just escalated from there.
I am also on fluxotine but I do know from experience that stopping and starting them is not good as each time they will heighten your anxieties.
i hope you have someone near by you can confide in as I have started to talk honestly about my problems now for the first time and find that helps.
Never feel worried about going to the dr though.after all they would be out of a job if no one ever went to see them!
I think you need to start your councelling again,maybe see someone else,I wish I could be more reassuring,but I am in the same situation and process as you,its going to take time but at least we have people in the same situation to talk to now .Sue xxx

01-07-11, 11:14
Hi Sue, thanx so much for taking the time to reply to me. I have a good husband who I know I could talk to, but don't want to put my cancer fears onto him, cause last time when I had an abnormal smear test I know he was worried loads. My only daughter is pregnant and due tomorrow so I am desperate to be there for her. What symptoms have you been having?x

saffy f
01-07-11, 18:08
Hi .I have been having panic attacks and the fear of being ill,the same as you really.As I said it started when I was on my own and worried that something would happen to me and I would leave my children behind.When I have a bad attack I just feel like a black cloud is over me.I'm not depressed I just feel like something bad is going to happen to me,like become ill.I had a routine smear test today and it freaked me out a bit.I think its because a friend of my partners has become ill and I know its so so sad and really awful for him but it's made me feel so uneasy.How selfish of me to feel like that though..I've had a bit of a bad day today as feel really apprehensive over nothing.My partner is off work tomorrow so we are going to have a nice drive in the country and walk with the dog,nice a relaxing.He is very supportive but sometimes I think he thinks that I'm a bit of a looney tunes! lol.
How exciting for you having a grandchild on the way.That will keep you busy and
fill your time up with happiness I hope. We need to stay positive and think happy smiley thoughts!!:D The suns out(for the time being) and all is good!
S xx