View Full Version : PLEASE READ - Very interesting article that may help

01-07-11, 10:39

This is very interesting - it may be an explanation for some of you - particularly for those with IBS symptoms but also anyone with anxiety which is getting progressively worse. I will paste the article at the bottom and explain how I got to it.

My symptoms are

brain fog
unable to concentrate
craving sweet things
joint pains/ stiffness
visual problems
sinus infections
ear and balance problems
periods of derealization - very scary

I see a CBT counsellor, hypnotherapist, saw a neurologist last week and am having an MRI in a few weeks. Am convinced I have MS or MND as a result of my weird and wonderful symptoms.

I saw an allergy specialist as had read about how diet affects anxiety. I didn't think I was allergic as such but was trying another avenue as felt like I wasn't getting the support from my GP. Anyway - got the results of my blood test for gut fermentation today ( I had this done at my surgery but results sent to a lab in London I think). Anyway the range for Ethanol is less than 22 - mine was 134!!! It says I have 'increased ethanolic fermentation consistent with a yeast infection'. I won't be able to have a full explanation yet as the allergy guy is on holiday. In the meantime I am on a very strict exclusion diet for two weeks - no dairy, wheat, alcohol (boo!), tomatoes, potatoes and onions!!

Anyway I wanted to know more and found this article which pretty much sums me up and possibly may apply to a few of you?

Mystery Illness?

This is an illness where 5.000 people in the UK have banded together to share information. Up to 3,000 people a day log onto an Internet forum looking for help. In fact this forum attracts more traffic than any other Internet health forum. This illness is a hot topic. What's the subject that has the attention of so many people? A very odd one ---intestinal yeast infection. Is it a crucial player in health? Does it really make a person this fatigued and ill? If so, why can't you just take a medication to kill the yeast and make it all go away?
More and more people are realising intestinal yeast and bacteria can be a major contributor to many illnesses. Over 70% of the immune system is in the intestines. What lives in the intestines interacts with the immune system. Altered gut flora from what is regarded as normal can cause depression, mental confusion, anxiety and fatigue. The intestinal flora is even a major contributor to autism. Yes, autism isn't the totally genetic or emotional problem that was once believed. Many of these children are losing their diagnosis of autism as the gut and immune system are healed.
What is it like to suffer an intestinal yeast infection? Well, initially, a person may fear the worst --- cancer or a degenerative disease. The symptoms are both appalling and progressive. Chronic fatigue, cognitive problems and other symptoms develop to the point where the sufferer descends into a Zombie like state that is truly frightening. At a time when the person needs all mental faculties to fight this illness, the intestinal yeast and bacteria take away the person's ability to even express themselves adequately. Fatigue and brain-fog make the person so very vulnerable.