View Full Version : Not about much - Heres why?

01-07-11, 12:09

Basically......... Before going to the conference, started to come off my medication. Which hasnt been going well. Am constantly feeling down, crying, panic attacks are back with revenge and I cant control them, anxiety is terrible, self-harm feelings. Im just about manageing with going to work. Im getting about 2 hours sleep a ngiht as well wth doesnt help.

Since then I have stoped the meds and was meant to start the new ones monday but I havent as I dont know if this is still the withdrawal or its just the way I will feel if I dont have any medication.

As you will know problems are hard enough to cope with and I am trying desperately to move on in a positive fashion with my life. I have enrolled to go back to college in September to pursue my dream of working with animals. Found myself a work placement at a vet and managed despite all of this to keep working at my current job. This for me has been hard enough and I just want help that is actually provided in positive way, understandable, consistent information, and support at times when I need it, as well as having the techniques to improve my ability to resist regressing. It feels degrading that I have to beg for help?? and then get left high and dry again. my counsellor has been great, but she knows I need more assistance, especially after my sessions with her. in the assessment they felt I needed both Cognitive and Clinical Therapy, yet at the subsequent appointment she discharged me????????

So, by the evenings I just crash out being so drained from it all.

I;m meant to be going to college on wednesday for a familiarisation day and Im terrified to go...... :weep::weep::weep::weep:

But if anyone needs me then to pm me.


01-07-11, 14:29
I admire you very much Nikk, and I think from what you say you are doing brilliantly.

To even go to work with everything you are experiencing is so brave and so hard to do, and the fact that despite your problems, you have a definite goal in mind and a dream. So many of us lose sight of our ambitions and goals with anxiety/panic as our lives are overtaken by our mental health problems.

It must be very scary to go into college with all you have going on, but please try to believe that you CAN do it as you have already achieved so much with going into work, etc. and still striving toward your goals.

Sending you a big hug and respect.xxx:bighug1:

05-07-11, 20:49
You have done so well Nikk, and I know you will continue to do so.

I am wishing you all the best for tomorrow, and will be thinking of you. Once you are there I am sure you will enjoy the day :hugs::hugs: