View Full Version : Still looking for an answer to my leg pain....can anyone help?

01-07-11, 16:17
Hey there, me again, ok so i may be able to stop freaking about my many other symptoms that come and go, but the one thing I can never get sorted is my leg pain. I have had it for nearly 2 and a half years now and the pain comes and goes. It feels like a sort of aching and throbbing in the front of my right thigh, it will sometimes spread down to my calf and also make my foot tingle. Now i know it may be down to something like sciatica but even that scares me as it makes me wonder what is pressing against the nerve? Surely though if i had a tumour from a cancer pressing on it and it started over 2 years ago I would know I had cancer by now. I dont usually worry about me leg its just because i have been getting loads ofother symptoms now which i know should be connected to my anxiety. Please let me know if anyone has had similar and how long for and where your pain is? Thanks loads

01-07-11, 21:01
Hi MVP.. I had similar start over 20 years ago. It was my right thigh also. Numbness and hot tingling. I didnt have HA then and saw the GP who said it was Sciatic nerve and I would probably have flare ups now and then.. That was 20 years ago and I have had flare ups over the years, sometimes lasts a day and other times off and on for weeks..

02-07-11, 13:38
Hi Zee, did you ever find the cause for your sciatica? Its driving me nuts today, not painful just buzzing, throbbing, its very distracting :-(

02-07-11, 14:48
In my case MVP, the irritation to sciatic nerve was something to do with my spine being very slightly misaligned.

anx mum
02-07-11, 15:58
I had terrible pain hun in my left calf really thought it was something bad had it 2 months constant had pins and needles in foot too. Doctor put it down to scatica had physio still get the pain but not as bad got pain in knees now