View Full Version : Anyone from London/South East England???

01-07-11, 18:53
Anyone from London or the South East interested in being friends???

At the moment, I'll take on all comers (because, let's face it, I can't really afford to be choosy even if I was like that) with the only criteria being that you're from London or South East England in case conversing goes so well that we wanna meet up or whatever. Obviously, it doesn't have to happen straight away but hopefully it happens at some point. It's a fear that must be slayed eventually, surely!

All I'll say at this point about myself is that my name is Matt, I'm 23 years old from East London and current interests revolve around music but I'm also into poetry, drawing, writing, reading, watching movies and countless downloaded programmes that we don't get down here (England) and bucketloads of other stuff. So if interested, gimme a shout and tell me whether you'd prefer MSN, FB or just chatting on here. I ain't as boring as I might sound, promise. Peace!