View Full Version : please help i feel realy scared

26-04-06, 22:59
i feel realy scared it is 11pm and i have felt this starting all day ,
i am getting eptopic heart beats feel panicy scared just horrid and lonly what do i do [Sigh...]
i havent had any eptopic heart beats for ages and now everything i just carnt cope if they keep on all night :(
i read somthing about s a d s and now i am thinking all the time about it silly i know but i just feel in such a state tonight these eptopics are happening while i write this post i just dont know how i will get through the night i realy dont i just feel scared


Miss Pink
26-04-06, 23:10
Hi Jodie,

I think I was just chatting to you in the chatroom (intended to go to bed - but got half way up the stairs and started having palpitations so came back downstairs.

Please don't worry too much - I know thats wasy to say - I had the same thing happen to me a few nights ago, it's really horrible[|)]

Have you got any relaxation cd's you can do to try and take your mind off it? Or got a good film you could watch to take your mind of it? (Mine got a bit better the other night when I started to slow down my breathing)

Here 4 you anytime

Rachael x

‹(•¿•)› Best Wishes To You All ! ‹(•¿•)›

26-04-06, 23:14
awww thanks

yes i was talking to you tonight

i just feel realy bad and these eptopic heart beats are nasty and scary i hate them i have put film on but carnt settel at the min just feel panicy and scared to go to bed :(


Miss Pink
26-04-06, 23:26
Thats ok !

You probably already know this but my Doc told me that if you notice you get them too after heavy exercising (I've checked its true)or holding your breath, so they can be a sign of your heart regulating your blood & blood pressure (which is a good thing). If you've been feeling a bit off all day chances are you're breathings been shallow so now your body's full of adrenaline (like after exercise) so your bodys just reacting to it

They still suck though ! They make me sit bold upright sometimes when I get them in bed - scares my boyf LOL

Hope you feel better soon

Right I really am off to bed now....

Take Care

Rachael x

‹(•¿•)› Best Wishes To You All ! ‹(•¿•)›

26-04-06, 23:31
Oh mate I really feel for you. I been there. On my 3rd ectopic free day after having HUNDREDS a day for 2 months and it didn't kill me and I PROMISE it won't you

shiv x

26-04-06, 23:32
thank you rachael

yes i sit bolt upright to cos they realy give you a shock dont they
i know your right about adrenaline i havent realy dealt with it to good tonight i just get so so scared at the min i am shaking i feel cold and scared with eptopics a lot

thanks for posting it has helped
jo x

26-04-06, 23:33
thanks shiv

just feel so bad at the min carnt sort it out tonight they just crept up on me and they scare me so so much


Miss Pink
26-04-06, 23:36
ok night night x

PS if you're cold that's definately adrenaline. Being cold can make the heartbeats worse at your body works harder to compensate/get warm. Try wrapping up in something warm and cosy and snuggle on the settee with a decent film..................My Dirty Dancing DVD has pretty much burnt out now from overuse !

Take Care x

‹(•¿•)› Best Wishes To You All ! ‹(•¿•)›

26-04-06, 23:40
awww your so sweet i will try to get warm i do feel realy cold i have never shaken so much i realy haven
dirty dancing i love it i could watch it all day n night lol

night hun


shiv mate thank you i know you get these to i just dont cope with them a all at the min