View Full Version : Feeling strange

01-07-11, 21:13
Hello everyone!

Tuesday gone I suffered a bit of a panic attack in the car, I was sat at the back of the car and came over feeling all strange and everything in the car seemed like it was blurred and also felt like things was huge and I felt trapped and felt weird travelling in the car. I was on the way for an outpatients review at the hospital and I think sub consciously I was getting worked up about it. While talking to my consultant I felt like I was going to pass out or something but I didn't say anything and afterwards I just felt like I had no feelings, mind was completely blank, feeling weird about everything and I felt lost within myself and I was going to lose it. I have felt like this the last few days. Just wondering if anyone else has felt like this? I just feel weird about my body and about being alive and trying not to get too panicky about it but it's hard :( I'm finding it hard to move from the sofa the last few days incase anything happens plus feeling tired and really weak and have no energy.

Thanks for reading!

01-07-11, 22:39
I have felt everything you described so many times all anxiety related down to the tiredness.It takes a lot out of us for our bodies to be on high alert. Try not to worry and try to relax. You are fine

04-07-11, 18:10
Thank you so much for your reply. It helps to know that I'm not the only one feeling like this.

04-07-11, 18:16
I can totally identify with this too. I hate cars and being trapped in them too. You feel odd and spaced out because you have nothing to worry about on the outside so you are focusing inwardly. The key is to keep distracted when these thoughts or feelings arise. x