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Steve CM
01-07-11, 23:14
Hello People

my name is Steve and i thought i'd say hi :D

I have had a panic disorder since 1997. I have come close to what i thought was total recovery only to be caught in its grasp again. I have beengoing through a tough time over the last 3 years and have now developed a driving phobia. So i'll be on here hopefully chatting and seeing where i can gain some support.

Thanks to you all :flowers:

01-07-11, 23:16
Hi Steve CM

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

Steve CM
01-07-11, 23:19
thanks Diane.

Its good to know there are oters out there. My aim is to get myself realigned again. Its no life living under a dark cloud

01-07-11, 23:23
Hello steve, sorry to hear your anxiety is up again. tell me about your driving phobia is it being behind the wheel full stop or aspects of driving?

Steve CM
01-07-11, 23:37
Hi James. I'll tell you the full story. I bought my first house with my young family in june 2007. on the day we were suppose to exchange contracts this church going pillar of the community pulled out. I was so angry as within 10 days we would have nowhere to live. So i thought i would go round and see what the problem was.

After a heated disscussion she told me if i pay her 3 mor thousand se would accept the deal. i was so enraged i told her to @*&^ off (you get the drift) i then drove off and while in my van i started to feel a little strange, then as i pulled off the slip road i thought i was gonna pass out. for a split second i didn't know where i was. I then drove like a mad man to get round my brothers house. It passed then i went home. that was the switch really. From then it creeped in more and more until i couldn't drive as soon as i sat behind the wheel i would freak out.

It then developed into minor agrophobia where for 6 months i didn't leave the house. and when i did i would get tunnel vision and start to freak. I went to see a few people but nothing gave me real help although i had minor temporary relief. i have got so much better (until recentley but i'll come to that soon) i can drive on my own but only if someone can drive in a car behind me. I can drive a car if someone is sitting next to me and also e driven. Well that was until aout 6 weeks ago where it seems to come back with avengance. I do have a lot on my plate at the moment. I run my own business and really worry day to day. but i do need to get myself on track again as i feel like i'm missing out on life.

hopefully this explains it enough for you? :)

01-07-11, 23:53
Hi James. I'll tell you the full story. I bought my first house with my young family in june 2007. on the day we were suppose to exchange contracts this church going pillar of the community pulled out. I was so angry as within 10 days we would have nowhere to live. So i thought i would go round and see what the problem was.

After a heated disscussion she told me if i pay her 3 mor thousand se would accept the deal. i was so enraged i told her to @*&^ off (you get the drift) i then drove off and while in my van i started to feel a little strange, then as i pulled off the slip road i thought i was gonna pass out. for a split second i didn't know where i was. I then drove like a mad man to get round my brothers house. It passed then i went home. that was the switch really. From then it creeped in more and more until i couldn't drive as soon as i sat behind the wheel i would freak out.

It then developed into minor agrophobia where for 6 months i didn't leave the house. and when i did i would get tunnel vision and start to freak. I went to see a few people but nothing gave me real help although i had minor temporary relief. i have got so much better (until recentley but i'll come to that soon) i can drive on my own but only if someone can drive in a car behind me. I can drive a car if someone is sitting next to me and also e driven. Well that was until aout 6 weeks ago where it seems to come back with avengance. I do have a lot on my plate at the moment. I run my own business and really worry day to day. but i do need to get myself on track again as i feel like i'm missing out on life.

hopefully this explains it enough for you? :)

It sounds like you were so upset with the row and everything that went on that you were running on the adrenaline as you were driving and i know from experience what strange things adrenaline can do. So because of the panic of that first attack your sub consiousness is on alert again plus with you having alot on your plate. thats how i always explain it anyway its like your brain is on the alert without you knowing it.

Steve CM
01-07-11, 23:58
my problem is i have a short fuse too. Adrenaline does KO me. I need to lose weight as i have ballooned with all the stress etc over the years. i joined the gym. everything was going great then started to push myself and the adrenaline would make me race so much i would start to freak. So now guess what? i find it hard dragging myself ack to the gym!

02-07-11, 00:08
You sound exactly like me, i am the same, i rejoined the gym and went for a while and then thought am i over doing it? it is hard to go back once you get out of it. i keep saying i will go for a nice long brisk walk but i don't!

Steve CM
02-07-11, 00:12
i will go back as on the whole it made me feel better. i need to get my weight under control as i don't fancy dieing young. I watched a john candy film tonight then searhed on the net how ig he was and ow he died. That has spurred me on to get it under control. I think if i done that i will feel better in myself too. i have never wanted to take prescription drugs but if something slowed my down when anxious i would consider it

02-07-11, 00:17
yeah try the gym again, but if you want to see your gp again and ask about medication then do it but i found once you sart medication and you feel well don't just stop them like i've done in the past!

Steve CM
02-07-11, 00:23
are you on permanent medication?

02-07-11, 00:30
Not at the moment i have got to see my gp wednesday because i have got high blood pressure caused by anxiety, so he might proscribe something then but i will have to watch i don't fall into the old trap again of coming off when i feel better. It is difficult having this but i think we all support each other on this forum it is good talk to people who understand each other.

Steve CM
03-07-11, 12:30
I was put on beta blockers when I first got them 14 years ago. They sent me even more crazy. Never wanted to take meds as I felt I may get hooked