View Full Version : I've been driving in my car.......

01-07-11, 23:26
Apologies if this does not seem much of a sucess story but it is a giant leap for me...

three months ago when my current panic/anxiety I stopped driving as i did not feel safe in the car as i kept getting panicky and felt the depersonalisation while driving and it was not good.

After 3 weeks of 10mg of citalopram and then an upped 20mg dose for another couple of weeks i finally made a break through.

We were in the local town today and my brother drove as he has done for the past 3 months as i have not been able too, but on the way home I actually asked him to pass me the keys to my car and got in the drivers seat not the passenger seat :ohmy:

Yes it felt really weird to be sat in that side of the car again and really strange driving. I did still get a bit of the panicky feeling and the dizzyness in stationary traffic........But I did it :yahoo:

I know it is only something really little getting in the car and driving it away and something i have done many times before, But this time it gave me a huge sense of acheivement. as i had managed to beat a bit of this panic and anxiety that has been overtaking my head.

Long may it continue :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

01-07-11, 23:37
:yahoo:Well done you!

That is a massive achievement and one that you should be very proud of.....

Just try when you can to keep on doing it, it will become easier the more you do it.

You should feel very proud of yourself :bighug1:

01-07-11, 23:38
Thats great!!! I know how it feels . I have been there too,so congrats and keep it up! Its going to be ok.

01-07-11, 23:39
well done!!!!!!! driving is amazing! you'll love it. i do now. bit literally didn't drive at all for 10 yrs because i thought it would end badly! i now think driving helps, becasue i feel in control.

best wishes

hyper xxx

02-07-11, 00:36
WOW go you! :)))

Veronica H
02-07-11, 01:12
:yesyes:this is a major step forward. Well done. Keep it up. even if you just drive around the block and repark to start with.

02-07-11, 01:15
I know I gave you the 'good job done' in chat, but this deserves another.
Nice to appreciate each other's accomplishments.

02-07-11, 02:33

Well Done you! You must feel so proud!

You are on a road to recovery and will soon be driving about in you car with no worries in the world.

Well Done V :yahoo:


02-07-11, 14:23
Thank you all, I am very impressed and proud of myself and hope it continues to get better :)

Hugs to you all :bighug1:

Emma x

macc noodle
02-07-11, 16:44
Hey you !!!

You will be coming for tea in no time at all then eh?????????????

Brilliantly well done honey xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



02-07-11, 18:12

I am on my way now :D

Thank you hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


~glowly worm~
02-07-11, 21:08
Venus thats TERIFFIC!!!!!! :D

Do post us updates, and hope u continue plodding

Warm conga rat dances,

~glowly~ xxx

03-07-11, 01:38
Thanks Glowy

I will keep posting and hopefully I can keep plodding on, I will get there in the end as we all will...

Loving the conga rat dances LMAO:roflmao::roflmao:

Emma xxxxxx

03-07-11, 11:29
Brilliant achievement!!! You should be well proud of yourself...a huge leap in the right direction.....onwards and upwards......Jo.x

04-07-11, 01:32
that's fantastic news, well done :yahoo:

Keep up the good work.:hugs:

04-07-11, 02:06
Thank you xxxx

I have driven again since which is good and i am thinking that the more i do it the more it will become normal again to me.

Today I had another big acheivement for me as since this episode i had sort of been agorophobic as it really felt so weird to be outside. I liked to be inside my little bubble at home and even did not like being in the garden.

Today started off well as i got up early for the first time in weeks and managed to get out the house to go support my friend at a 3km road race so went and watched her while stood out in the sun with lots of people :scared15: which was good and stood under cherry trees picking off the cherries and eating them Yummy :)

When I got home we also had a BBQ and strangely was more than happy to sit in my garden for 2hrs in full view of the mainroad just watching the world go by when eating.:dribble:

:yesyes:Yay the light is getting better at the end of the tunnel:yesyes:

04-07-11, 15:12
well done venus :hugs:

06-07-11, 12:40
well done v you are doing great ,, keep it up :D xxxx

06-07-11, 14:15
Thank you Janet and Spy I will get there :D xxxxxxxxx

~glowly worm~
08-07-11, 21:52
Venus thats fab,

you are already getting there :) :) xx