View Full Version : Info on fasterEFT

02-07-11, 11:37
I've had a few messages from people asking questions about FasterEFT since I put links to youtube clips here the other day.

Firstly, this is going to be a long topic. But it will only be about the basic beliefs of how & why this technique is so successful.

From my previous topic's over the Years, you will have noticed that I am a straightforward individual that know's his stuff. I won't tell you bull*hit. All the info I've given over the Years is free. I do it because some people come here and try to promote their books or training etc. I've given freely to this wonderful site since 2006. All I ask is that you use it and take responsibility for your own healing, whatever your issues is.

FasterEFT believes the cause of all problems is 'birth' From that moment on we begin to experience the World and those experiences are recorded in our mind as memories. These memories have an emotional code, a how-to and we use them to deal & cope with the people in our life. So it is from our own understanding of our experiences, the emotional dynamics we experienced and use in our everyday life that now gives meaning to who we think we are and how we respond to the world.

In fasterEFT we aim directly at emotional hypnotic states (the problem) There is no guessing and no set-up phrase. We let the client's unconscious mind do all the work. We aim directly at the problem by asking the key question "How do you know you have a problem" We use different processes till it's gone. We check and re-check to make sure it's completely gone and you can't make the problem bother you, even if you try.

The belief system of FasterEFT is based on the foundation that it is absolutely true everywhere. This means, you don't have to believe in anything to agree with the concepts taught in FasterEFT.

In order for any change to occur, this 'MUST' happen. It doesn't matter what healing method or therapy is used.

All changes naturally happen in this way:

Feel bad + Feel good = Collapse the problem...

Each time there is a collapse of bad feelings with good emotions, the shift happens. Tapping is a collapsing process. It releases bad feelings when firing off two emotions at the same time.

The FasterEFT belief system

(1) Before you were born, the stage was set. (An environment existed with cultural and family dynamics into which you were born)

(2) 'They' already had their skills and their problems before you arrived (Parents etc...)

(3) Birth!!! Enter you the child...

(4) From 'them' You develop coping skills & perceptions.

(5) From experiences, you develop a self-indentity within

(6) From this identity, you will begin to operate within the World.

(7) You begin asking "why"...The World responses with doctrines of belief as to 'why' good and bad things occur.

Why is why a bad question[B]

It gives excuses, supports the problem. Knowing the cause of a problem doesn't help to solve it. But we seek to find the answer to 'why' we have problems...

Why am i so screwed up?

There are many beliefs we grow up with from our family or culture that suggests the reason we have so many problems and 'why' we are screwed up. So of these theories include:

(1) God's plan
(2) My past
(3) I picked it
(4) life lesson
(5) genetics
(6) economy
(7) tradition
(8) sin

We could go on and on looking for why we our screwed up...

What is the common theme here? There is nothing I can do about it. It's beyond my control. I have to live with it!

FasterEFT does not accept this belief. We know the cause of your problems 'birth'

Had you not been born, how many problems would you have? NONE.

Why do we have problems?

Because you know how. We create them from our thinking which produces stress in our bodies. In order to have a problem you must respond and do certain things to create your reaction to the experience.

We believe that there are no broken people..It's just, your operating from hurt and broken ideas. The person and the behaviour are 2 different entities. You are NOT your behaviour. How to be depressed is a skill. There are many roads to a problem and you are a complete success at producing yours. You are doing something correctly, successfully now.

Stress is a skill..not a place. You bring your problems with you. If you run, you take it with you, because it is within you.

FasterEFT's definition of stress: Stress is your body's reaction to perception. Stress has a positive intention behind it..To keep you safe out of love for you.

The BODY Is the expression of the mind..What you hold to be true about yourself. These created beliefs, not a disruption within the body. That which is created can be changed. Change the perception and you change the belief that expressed by the mind in the body.

Perception starts at birth..

Perception is just that..perception. It is the mind's way of giving meaning to an event. If we allow perception to change, the memory triggers that causes us to feel badly will also change.

The tapping process addresses the internal representations. How you hold a memory and tell the story builds your belief about you.

When you change the belief about yourself that you presume to be true about you, you change the perception.

You cannot change history...It's over. You can't even find it, except to create it in your mind and that which you create, you can change. If you change it and make peace with it inside yourself, you can become a totally different person. One who is loved, capable and healing...


When you remember a memory, you are every character in that memory. You are the:

Movie director - Victim - Victimiser etc...

The structure if changes..

The whole goal of FasterEFT is to change the structure of our memories..

The memories are made up of smaller pieces. If we can change the interpretation of what these pieces mean by changing the memory and clearing emotional charge, then we can resolve the problem.

With FasterEFT, we change that which is NOT REAL, but which we experience as if it were. We change memories. It is the emotions that make it seem real.

You can create a whole new YOU by changing how you HOLD you inside your mind...Changing your internal representations. Memories are a reflection of your internal beliefs structure that represents who and how you are in the World.


When the brain recognises a negative trigger. It accesses the information for an encoded memory surrounding that trigger. A negative emotional reaction is produced that fells AS IF IT IS REAL inside your body.

Electrical expressions of memory are sent to the body's organs to make you consciously aware that protection is now needed. Through chemical and electrical impulses of the brain - heart - lungs - bladder - gall bladder - kidneys - stomach - liver - large & small intestines - circulation - triple warmer and spleen.

You produce it, feel it and make it seem real inside you..Logic does NOT heal it. You can deal with it logically, or you can learn a skill to USE for healing. What you see inside and outside of yourself affects how your body feels and how you hold your self identity.

The common belief is that the opposite of love is 'fear'. Fear is flight or fight response that is designed to keep you safe. Therefore even 'fear' a;ways has self-love behind it. Even if you condemned fear, it too has self-love behind it.


If you want real change, you must look for resistance. What you resist, persists...

When you find resistance, you find our target. Find it and make peace with it. Your worst enemy is your best healer...


There are two basic ways of thinking. Most people think and act within the 1st model...Which is developed at birth. When we are born we are at the mercy of our environment... That means everything we need comes from an outside source. We think our problems are because of our past, our job,ex-wife or current relationship. The reason I'm over weight is because of ice cream or a gland problem. The main reason we do this is because we have not discovered that the controls are within us. In this model, who have we given or power to??? THEM. Who do we look to get our value from?? THEM.

The second way of thinking is realising that events, things and people do affect us, but it's our internal representations that create our reaction.

There are three basic ways we react internally:

(1) By how we see things, our view about it...I see myself as fat.

(2) By how we fell. The emotions attached to our view.

(3) By how we do it. The internal patterns and ways we do it.

Tomorrow I will continue with how to start to 'CHANGE'



05-07-11, 20:30
Welcome to part 2. Remember back to the fight flight response. We tap on the meridian points that relate to the organ that produce the chemical reaction in our body.

Between the eyes (bladder)
Temples beside the eye (gallbladder)
Under the eye (stomach)
Collar bone (kidney)
Grap the wrist (targets lungs, large intestine, circulation, heart & triple warmer)

Doesn't matter if your left or right handed.


The most powerful part of fasterEFT is aiming...what is aiming? Notice how you know. Consciously noticing an internal representation of a negative emotion or impression within the body & mind. While tapping, the negative state will move towards zero.

(1) when you are aiming, don't hold on to feelings.
(2) greet it, identify it and notice how you know it.
(3) when you tap, focus on and feel where your fingers are tapping. The reason for this is to pull you out of the 'trance' and say "let it go...let it go...let it go...take a deep breath, blow it out & say peace.
(4) aim at it again, notice what's left, then go back to it and tap it out.
(5) if emotions are boiling out as you tap, then notice the overwhelming feelings and notice the tapping and go in and out.
(6) don't stop until it is gone. Avoid quitting before change occurs.

It all works because meridian points represents our organs. Organs produce chemicals and electrical impulses that create flight or fight response. Stress and emotions are the expressions of perceived threats. The mind/body is ONE SYSTEM... The meridian system is the communication highway to the organs, which produce feelings. The mind stores emotional tags to memories of past events and perceptions.

Tapping creates a block between the mind/body connection. Tapping disrupts the electrical/chemical system, breaking the emotional connection. It changes perception.

So that's the basic principle behind fasterEFT... But that's just the beginning. Hopefully you've come to understand it's just thoughts.

We are all responsible for ALL of OUR experiences. Every thought we think is creating our future...it's only a thought and thought's can be changed.we must be willing to begin to learn to love ourselves. When we really love ourselves, everything in our life works. I should know...I didn't 'LOVE' myself that's how I allowed depression to effect me, merely by my thoughts. If I really loved myself, then how can I blame others for how I feel.

Life is really simple...what we give out, we get back. So the power is really 'NOW' you are never stuck. This is where real change can also happen. Right here and right now in your mind. It doesn't matter how long you've had your issue. Your issue no longer needs to be the truth for you. It can now fade back to nothingness...YOU CAN DO IT!!!

Remember, you are the only person who thinks in your mind! What you are now choosing to believe and think and say will create the next moment and the next day, month and year.

I can give you all the advice I've gained over the years. Yet you can continue to choose to think the same old thoughts, you can refuse to change and keep all your problems.


So your willing to change??? Go to a mirror and look into your eyes and say to yourself "I am willing to change"

Notice how you feel. If you are resistant. Tap on that. Or ask yourself "what old belief am I holding on too"

If you can look in a mirror and say I love you, your on your way...



05-07-11, 21:29
Sorry people,

I forgot to put a link to over 400 clips on how & why the process works. Link below.




22-01-13, 13:48
Very informative, Thanks Carl

27-02-13, 20:07
I'm so busy at the moment, but I do still read the forum. I'm glad you liked the information.

27-02-13, 22:27
I find it very interesting Carl that you reply to a post from 'mypower', who incidentally has a link to 'fasterEFT' within his profile, which incidentally is also linked to you, a cynic may consider this as 'bumping' a post for advertising, or something............... or maybe me meridian lines need a flushout


02-03-13, 23:19
OK I will call you a cynic. Thank you for pointing out www.faster-eft.org. I've never heard of if so just looked at it. It looks like affiliate marketing. It's all in US dollars.

Please tell me where I'm mentioned on the site. I have scanned the site fully. There is no connection with me to that site I'm not even mentioned in tags or permlinks. The products are created by Robert Smith the creator of FasterEFT. Ive only hosted Robert's training in the UK. Are you suggesting that I spam this site for clients. Be careful of slander and libel laws. I've taken photo of your comment.

I'm sure Nicole can state clearly that I've never done that. All info given freely by me. Been a member for many Years.

We know you put yourself on the elitist CBT realm. Why not put your real name up and we can research who you are and what you do. Where's the 600 plus videos of your technique freely available on YouTube?

You will discover that We've trained over 200 practitioners that now work throughout the World. Most recently at Habilitat. The USA's most successful addiction centre.

If you wish to connect me privately, I'm more than happy to work with your insecurities and your biggest bug which is people buying rubbish 'cures' or paying for certain psychological interventions claiming to 'cure', erm.... May I suggest CBT on yourself.

Nicola or adminisator could you kindly private message me thetube82 details. He's making accusations about me that are totally false and detriment to my professional character.

Thank you.

03-03-13, 10:37
Hi Carl,

Is this method a branch of EMDR or completely separate method? It seems to share a lot of similarities.

Is there a grounding process that takes place after tapping as in EMDR?

Apologies if I've overlooked any information that explain these points already.

03-03-13, 13:59
Good question Serenitie.

No. EMDR is just one form of eye movement therapy. It only crosses bilateral stimulation following one eye axis movement. Left to right. The practitioner sometimes uses auditory bilateral stimulation or use small vibrating items that you can hold in your hands, and this vibrates alternating from one hand to another. There are other eye movement therapies that touch on various eye movement cues such as IEMT - EMI - RET - VCDT.

FasterEFT is just one technique in the field of energy psychology. Within this field you have EFT - Meridian tapping technique - TFT - BSFF - matrix Reimprinting - TAT.

04-03-13, 22:08
Hi Carl,

Firstly, I truly apologies if I have caused you some upset, I did not really mean to do that.
Secondly, you are indeed correct that you are not mentioned on the link-site from the other poster, apologies for that too, my error.

All I was trying to point out was that it seemed inappropriate that one EFT practitioner seemed to be patting the other on the back, especially with links to private practice, and again, if this is not the case I do apologies.

I hope you accept my apologies, and I will refrain in the future from posting such things that may seem derogatory to you and your approach.

I have also sent my apologies to the NMP staff in case I have violated forum rules.


05-03-13, 08:29

I accept your apology and nicely put.

Thank very much.
