View Full Version : Please, please someone help me :(

02-07-11, 16:18
I'm getting absolutely terrified having to wait for this breast clinic appointment. I literally keep picturing them telling me I have imflammatory breast cancer over and over and over.

My left breast has been warmer for the past 3 weeks.

Does ANYONE have a warmer breast most if the time? Compared to their other one?

I really need to know if this is a common thing. I have 3 weeks to wait for this appointment :( :(

02-07-11, 16:37

Read back hrough your older posts and you will see that quite a few people replied and said that they had it too.

You need to stop worrying about it please.

02-07-11, 17:00
I'm getting absolutely terrified having to wait for this breast clinic appointment. I literally keep picturing them telling me I have imflammatory breast cancer over and over and over.

My left breast has been warmer for the past 3 weeks.

Does ANYONE have a warmer breast most if the time? Compared to their other one?

I really need to know if this is a common thing. I have 3 weeks to wait for this appointment :( :(

I know it is easier said than done, but try not to worry, i understand your concerns about inflammatory breast cancer as a while ago maybe as long as 5 months ago i had a strange bruise appear on my right breast and researching this is when i came across info about inflammatory breast cancer, i decided that i would wait and see if it got any worse as i am bedridden with M.E and don't like to call the doctor out unless it is necessary, It didn't get any worse and no other symptoms developed so i am not at all worried by it now. Try to think logically that there are many more much likely causes to your breast issue like a mild infection, hormonal, or it may just be one of those things for you. IBC is very rare and it progresses extremly rapidly, usually in a matter of days, so if your breast has stayed the same for a few weeks it is more likely to be another cause. Also If your doctor had of been concerned at all they would have got you seen much sooner than a few weeks, the reason for the referal is most likely for your reassurance as they would have seen how concerned you are about and want to put your mind at rest asap. I know how hard it can be to try and take your mind of issues that are concerning you but really try to distract yourself, then it will seem like your appointment will come around much quicker.
I am not a medical professional of any sort but i don't think you have anything to worry about xx


02-07-11, 17:17
Hi Alice,

You must trust that everyone here who has already replied that they also have a warmer breast(s) would not tell you anything other than the truth about that as we are all here to try to help and reassure you. This is the third time you have asked and I doubt that the answer is any different.

I can vouch for that personally as my boobs are always playing up...warmer, bigger, more sore, etc, etc. It is a common thing. Women, hormones, etc,etc. We drew the short straw when it comes to hormonal things (the joys of womanhood) and 99.9% of the time, it's nothing serious.

As Katie6 said, you must take into consideration if you can the vast amount of other trivial things that can cause the symptoms you have, and not concentrate solely on the very rare IBC.

I would be willing to lay money down that you don't have it hun.

Distract yourself from this and STAY FAR, FAR AWAY from that menace Google.

Big hug to you.x:bighug1:

02-07-11, 23:09
Thanks for your guys replies. Really appriciate it.

Debs - when you had cysts in your breast did it feel warmer than the other one? And more tender?

I'm hoping it's just this :(

Really feeling down in the dumps about this. I'm so worried my symptoms are going to get worse and one day I'll see something awful and it'll be too late cos my scan is so far away :(

02-07-11, 23:28
Hi E-Alice,

Yep, DEFINITELY it did. It felt warm and was very sore. It would literally wake me at night depending on the position I was laying in and I would get a shockwave through my breast.

A lot of your symptoms do sound very much like me. I had soreness, lumpy breasts, nipple pain and heat. To be honest when they confirmed that I had tons of cysts it didn't surprise me, mostly because my Mum has a history of breast cysts so it kind of figured.

Please try not to dwell on this hun. When I went to the hospital the doctor was so very laid back and nonchalant about it all and I got the distinct impression that they see many, many women with hormonal (or what they call 'active') breasts which basically means naturally changing breasts due to hormonal reasons.

I am convinced that this is what you probably have too. xxx:hugs:

03-07-11, 00:32
Thankyou SO much Debs. Hearing that has made me feel better :)

So you definetely had a warmer breast?

Mine feels warm, lumpier, and very sore in some places. And my nipple feels a lot more sensitive too.

Basically warmer, more tender and lumpier. No other symptoms.

Does this sound like what yours was like?

It's the heat I'm most concerned about.

My lymph nodes aren't swollen too.

It feels so sore and hot :(

Thanks for your replies so much Debs, they've really helped me through this.

03-07-11, 12:56
Hi EA....YOU ARE MOST WELCOME....Yes, my breast was definitely warm....not hot...but warm and tender. All your symptoms sound like my breast. I poked around my breast when I started having trouble with it and it was bumpy/lumpy and depending on where I pressed, I would get a shooting pain right into the end of my nipple.

It was so painful.

I know you are concerned about the heat, but at the same time PLEASE be reassured by the tenderness and pain. This is not symptomatic of malignant conditions.

When you saw your doctor did he/she examine your breast? I am only enquiring as if he/she had ANY inkling this was dodgy and you needed it asap, they would have referred you urgently. Try to take comfort in that too hun.

I am sure that all will be fine for you. Put all bad thoughts from your mind if you can.

lots of love.xxx:bighug1:

03-07-11, 13:13
Yeah I get the pain, it's mostly painful in the more lumpier area. And the breast feels heavy too.

Yeah my I got my breast examined three times in a couple weeks. Initially she said it was just my period causing the symptoms. And then when I went back she said it wasnt anything to worry about and she hadn't heard of heat being a symptom (which worried me a bit because I heard it was) and then the third time (I'm now 9 days before my next period) she said it felt lumpier. And then reffered me.

She did say that if it was an infection it'd be red and more noticeable (which it's not) and I know you get warmth/heat with that. But I couldnt find anything to do with warmth for the cysts. But it does make sense getting warmth and you've experienced it first hand!

I guess when it talks about heat, it may also mean like burning heat, not just warmth. And my mind may be exagerrating things.

But it is seriously a relief to hear you had the same symptoms, especially the warmth and pain. It does feel uncomfortable, especially in a bra.

I so hope I can get this app. over with and relax about this.

03-07-11, 13:50
Yeh, I think the sooner the scan the better hun.

It will once and for all give you the answers and reassurance that you desperately need. It is natural for the mind to work overtime. Mine did before I saw the breast doctor and waiting for the appt. even though it was only 2 weeks was horrible. I wasn't anxious but I just felt uneasy and had a lot of 'what ifs' in my head.

I would imagine that the warmth you have is more to do with hormones than proof of cysts Alice. Periodically every month I get warm, swollen breasts, and not always immediately before my period either. Our bodies are weird things, and often don't follow the text book idea of what they should be doing and when.

I think that your mind has just blown the situation up, and many of us do that very easily. I think the other things to try to tell yourself if you can is that IF you did have something unsavoury going on with your breasts (which I am sure you don't have), at this point in time, what can be done about it? The answer is nothing, and it is out of your hands so worrying and making yourself unwell serves no purpose. Hard as it sounds, it is just a case of getting on with stuff until your scan as the best possible thing is being done at this time, that being you are going to get a scan. Waiting is hard I know, but the doctor would not leave you in limbo if they thought you should not be.


03-07-11, 14:10
Hi there

I went thru' a similar experience about four years ago with a breast issue and I had only two days to wait for a scan but completely went to pieces so I know how you feel.

I think if your GP thought there was something sinister going on he would have sent you for a more urgent scan but this is obviously causing you extreme stress so I'd go back to your GP and ask if he/she can possibly get your appointment moved forward.

If he/she knew how worried you are I am sure he/she would do something to help.

My problem turned out to be nothing more than eczema of the nipple but good old Dr Google turned it in a horrible form of Breast Ca. If you can keep away from the dreaded search engine please try.

Best regards


03-07-11, 17:08
Thanks guys.

Argh I asked at the time to get it moved forward but she said it was non urgent so she couldn't do that. Even though I expressed about my HA and stuff.

I'm just so concerned. It feels so warm and sore.

Thanks Debs, I hope it is just hormonal things. But it does feel more lumpy than before. And the lumpy area is sore. And only one breast is warmer. So not sure if hormones do that? Everytime I feel about I feel a bit sick.

04-07-11, 00:36
Hi again

Just try to keep thinking that the Dr said it was non-urgent. If your GP thought it could be anything serious I'm certain she would have had you in for a scan immediately.


04-07-11, 15:10
Yeah I'll try to keep thinking about that. I keep seeming to find more lumps :( so worrying :(

04-07-11, 15:44
You must try to stop examining your breasts hun, as that is just as bad as Google in a mental sense.

The more you touch and poke them, the more red/warm they are going to feel and the worse your anxiety will get. When you constantly examine things you also see and feel things that aren't actually there, or have probably been there all along without any problems arising.

Please try to just leave them alone. It makes no difference anyway as you already have your scan to come which will give you the answers as to what is there and what is not.


04-07-11, 21:46
I will try and stop, it's so hard though because I keep thinking I better keep a check on it incase the symptoms dramatically worsen or anything :(.

Did your breast feel like it was harder than usual as well Debs?

I've had searing pain towards the nipple today :(

macc noodle
04-07-11, 23:03
Electric Alice

Sorry you having such a stressful time with your anxiety over your breast issues.

All I can add to the comments already posted are that if you keep touching and prodding and poking, your boobs will be sore hunni.

You need to try and stop doing it and trust that the doc has referred you as non-urgent.

Try to keep calm and keep reading the responses you have had - especially Debs - and take some comfort from them.

Macc Noodle

04-07-11, 23:12
Also the area around my nipple seems to have got more red :(

05-07-11, 13:18
I've got a fever today :( not sure if it's tied in with my breast.
Anyone know?

(I had a sore throat and slightly stuffy nose yesterday)

05-07-11, 13:20
Probably because theres a nasty coold going round at the minute, iv had a cold, swollen glands, and a nasty cough for about 2 weeks x

05-07-11, 13:55
Yeah thanks that could be what I've got. I think I'll phone the advice line at that DR's and see what they say just now.

05-07-11, 23:03
I keep thinking the breast looks redder :(

Not sure if I should go private and get this looked at sooner. I keep thinking it's going to get redder and redder. :weep:

macc noodle
05-07-11, 23:08
Electric Alice

Quite frankly you are going to have driven yourself mad with this by the time you get your appointment. If the doctor had any worries about the breast, they would have requested an urgent referral but I know that you have been told this by others.

If I were you and I were so worked up and could afford it, I would get the scan done and an appointment with the consultant to put your mind at rest.

You will be fine though in the end :)

05-07-11, 23:16
Thanks for replying. I know i've been posting ALOT about this. It's my HA at a peak
:( I've never been as bad about anything as I have about this.

I really appriciate everyones replies. I just can't get this out of my head. And I just keep bursting into tears thinking about the things I might miss if I get told I have IBC :(. I am absolutely terrified.

I can't really afford the scan at all. Not even sure how to go about getting it done outwith the NHS. But I guess I could look into it.

So scared right now :(

05-07-11, 23:20
You are poking and prodding it and making it red and sore and hot.

Leave it alone.

Don't waste your money going private - give it to me instead please :-)

05-07-11, 23:22
I really think you ought to get some help for the HA as well. Have you asked for a CBT referral through the doctor?

macc noodle
05-07-11, 23:26
EA - i know how scared you are - i am awaiting a scan for my ovaries because i am convinced i have ovarian cancer (could bore you to death with all my symptoms and prove to you that I am right and the docs are wrong but that his my HA at its worst too)

Have you got a date yet for the appt?

You are going to have to put it out of your mind until you get the appt. There is no alternative because you are going to make yourself really ill if you carry on like this hunni.

Catastrophising outcomes is typical of an HA sufferer and I know how horrible it is - really i do. But, you are looking at the rarest and most extreme outcome of your health problem with your boobs and the likelihood of you having it is so rare.

Honey if you have IBC then your worries will have been justified but what if what if you do not have it - how fantastic will you feel????? Only a few weeks to wait until this is confirmed to you - so try and imagine that.

Try and get some sleep honey and stop checking your boobs - give em a rest and a chance to heal.


Macc Noodle

06-07-11, 00:11
Just to add, when I started having pain in my breast I was guilty of poking it about to see where exactly it hurt and did not hurt and to be honest - as Nic and Macc said - it did increase the shooting pains and make it much more uncomfortable in general.

Bottom line is boobs don't like a lot of prodding, evidenced by the fact it hurts like hell if you accidently bump them against something...ouch!

This will definitely be contributing to your discomfort E-Alice. I would lay money that leaving them alone for a while will make your symptoms less noticeable.xxx:hugs:

06-07-11, 14:00
Thanks again guys.

I asked my DR to refer me to CBT for my HA yeah, but the waiting list is probably going to take ages & ages :[

I guess my fear is that if I don't check them I'll miss something crucial that could have been caught sooner. It's such a vicious cycle i'm not sure how to break.

One minute it'll look redder than the other one and then later I won't be sure it is actually more red. And my boyfriend said it isn't. I guess I should trust him, but it's really, really hard to when I keep seeing things myself :[

Your guys support is helping me so much, thank you :hugs::hugs:

06-07-11, 16:20
Thanks again guys.

I asked my DR to refer me to CBT for my HA yeah, but the waiting list is probably going to take ages & ages :[

I guess my fear is that if I don't check them I'll miss something crucial that could have been caught sooner. It's such a vicious cycle i'm not sure how to break.

One minute it'll look redder than the other one and then later I won't be sure it is actually more red. And my boyfriend said it isn't. I guess I should trust him, but it's really, really hard to when I keep seeing things myself :[

Your guys support is helping me so much, thank you :hugs::hugs:

IBC is a very rare, aggresive and rapidly progressing form of cancer, from the symptoms you have talked about it is highly unlikely you have this, there are many more horrid symptoms that are much more typical of IBC which you do not have. If you are having to inspect your breast and sometimes you think you see something and sometimes not then the chances are its not really there and it is you HA making you think it is, especially if others like your bf can't see any sign of it too.

You do not need to worry about missing something, as for people who have it KNOW they have it, it produces very obvious visual and painful symptoms.

You need to try and distract yourself before you make yourself iller, constant checking is only going to aggrevate your breast further and not change the outcome of your appointment, which in my opinion will be absolutely fine, and also must be your doctors opinion as he has refered you as non-urgent.

06-07-11, 17:16
I've had the heat for close to a month now (not sure if I had it before because I wasn't checking, but I doubt I did)...

And the pain came after 2 weeks.

I'm scared it'll get worse and worse :[

06-07-11, 18:22
Alice, it sounds a lot like you are putting 2+2 together and making 5 hun.

My breasts are VERY warm right now. The climate at the moment is very humid, and our breasts,one or both are going to feel warm, both from the climate and our own body warmth. We aren't cold blooded, so whichever part you touch is invariably warm.

What you said is very interesting. That you had the heat for a month but are not sure if you had it before. You weren't checking hun. So why check now? Logically speaking, why if you had it before and are aware of that is it now such a huge anxiety to you? This must show you that this is purely HA talking.

I agree with Katie6. You have to try to distract your thoughts from this now. Checking all the time is not going to change anything before your scan. You say you are scared that something will be missed, but even if you think you found something, the outcome when seeing the doctor will be no different to what is already happening, i.e. sending you for a scan.

Instead of reinforcing negative thoughts, do try encourage positive ones instead. Things like ' I KNOW I will be fine' and 'Stop worrying, I have NOTHING to worry about' and 'This is just my HA talking, nothing more.'

When you try to alter your mind set and use positive affirmations, you would be surprised what a difference it makes and how it can halve your anxiety level from 10 down to 5. It takes practice but you can do it.

You must also tell yourself that in all the time you have been examining and touching your breasts for changes, what IS different? I would guess nothing hun. xx:shrug:

06-07-11, 18:30
Yeah I guess I am a bit. I'd be more relaxed if both were warm, it's just the fact that one is much warmer than the other that's the problem in my mind :weep:

That is a good point, I wasn't looking for it before, I only really noticed that my left breast was warmer when one day it increased in size. And then noticed the warmth. Before then I hadn't really compared, so I'm not 100% sure if it's a new thing or not.

I am trying to distract myself yeah, I'm doing some more of my typing work and playing some computer games and things. I guess my mind thinks if it gets really worse I should go to the A&E or something. But like you guys say - i'd most likely notice immediately if something was very wrong.

I'm not sure what is different apart form the pain and the heat. I think one is more pink/red - but like I said before I'm not sure thats just my mind playing tricks on me. And I think IBC would be a lot more obvious than that.

I will try and see logic in all this and keep going and thinking positively.

Seriously, your guys on going daily support is amazing. I appriciate it so much! Thank you :hugs: And thanks again Debs, you've been helping me a lot. :hugs:

06-07-11, 18:39
You are very welcome hun. I know it is SO, SO HARD when you are worried and anxious. I hope my posts don't sound patronising or mean in any way, I just think sometimes when we are outsiders looking in we can add another point of view and maybe some logic/clarity in a worrying situation.

We have all been there in one form or another. You are so not alone.xxxxx:hugs::hugs:

06-07-11, 18:50
Nah they don't sound like that at all :) Besides, sometimes a bit of toughness is good for me anyway, so even if it did sound like that I wouldn't mind.

It is extremely hard :weep: And although my boyfriend, friends and family are supportive, my boyfriend just doesn't seem to understand how REAL the terror is. And how hard it is to get it out of your head.

So it's good to have a place like this where I can speak to other people with HA, who can understand how real it feels and the patterns the mind takes.

And giving logic is so good too, it's sometimes the only thnig that keeps us going.
