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02-07-11, 16:43
Hi everyone.
I've had depression and anxiety problems on and off for about 12 years now im currently taking citalopram 60 mg but in process of switching to mirtazapine as my symptoms seems to be getting worse as i get older. Not sure if it's a time of life thing?
Just reading some of the other posts it's reassuring to know I'm not alone and there are many sufferers out there who experience the same problems I do.
Would be good to hear from anyone for advice or just a chat.
i know It can often be a lonely life when you suffer from these problems.

02-07-11, 16:44
Hi shazza19

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

02-07-11, 16:48
I'm looking forward to making new friends and giving/receiving support

02-07-11, 18:00
Hi Shazza, welcome to the site, i too used to be on Citroplam on and off for years, but since last week they changed me to Sertraline 100mg, I was on Citroplam 40mg but they wasnt working to well, how do you find them?

Take care xxx

02-07-11, 22:28
Hello Becksfan,
Thank you for the welcome :)
Yeah just found that the citalopram seemed to have stopped working for me, been taking it on and off for years, it did help me initially but my last episode has been a lot worse and now been put on mirtazapine (taking first one tonight) not sure what to expect, been told they will probably make me sleepy. Just want to feel human again so at stage where I will try anything. Take care for now xx