View Full Version : health

27-04-06, 07:52
hi went to hospital yesterday to see if they could remove a polyps they found when i went for a routine cancer smear a couple of months ago well just my luck they could not do it as they say that the root is well in my womb so i have to book in on 23rd may and have anisthetic wich i am scared to death of incase i dont wake up i am haveing nightmares and the nearer it gets the worse i will be i tryed telling them how i feel but no one hears me or they look at you enough to say and so what no reasurance at all any one out there can give me some please

marie ross
27-04-06, 08:56
Hi Trish, I had exactly the same problem as you, i thought of nothing else when i had to go and get my polyp (pea i call it now!!) rermoved. When i went in to get it removed i was that scared i was literally numb and i could'nt even swallow and thought i would choke, my hands were sweating constantly. Once i was on the bed the nurses and doctor were brilliant its not exactly a pleasant procedure but i got through it and even managed to talk to a nurse who just kept talking to me to take my mind of it. They even asked if i wanted to watch on a screen (no thanks!!).
You will get through it, try not to dwell on it i know its hard and scary, i thought i would'nt be able to do it, but once i was there on the bed, they made me feel at ease and even a little relaxed if at all posssible. Good luck, thinking of you

27-04-06, 16:12
hi trish

I have never had the polyps... But I have had an annestetic a few times. I can honestly tell you that it is not bad at all. In fact, for the first time I actually was able to relax! I just felt tired, and fell asleep. About your fears... the doctors are prepared for everything... Nothing will happen, but if for some reason something should, the doctors know exactly what to do to get you out of it. I was also nervous, but they explained that they are SO prepared for these kinds of things.

Heidi :)

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"I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance, never settle for the path of least resistance... When you get the chance to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance"

"This too shall pass..."

27-04-06, 17:17

I can totally understand your fear and i can tell you that you are not alone there are thousands of people out there who are terrified of having a general anaesthetic ( and a lot of them are doctors and nurses) the only thing that i can say to you is that it is extremely rare for anything to happen while under anaesthetic during a planned procedure to someone with reasonable health , you will be seen by an anaesthetist and a pre op assessment carried out if they felt that you would prove to be any risk for surgery then they would discuss this with you. As far as i am aware they do not carry out this type of surgery under a spinal block but that may have changed and it might be worth while if you are really worried discussing this with your consultant ( i myself would find this more frightening) or requesting a pre med to be given so that by the time you go down to the aneasthetic room you will be so chilled that you will let them do anything to you,let us know how you get on

I just want my life back