View Full Version : Forgetfulness for a minute. now in panic

Natalie x
02-07-11, 18:11
Hi. A while ago I was out shopping with my boyfriend and I had a slight bout of confusion when I went to find him. I was walking through to get him and for a minute I forgot what he was wearing (I know that sounds silly) and where he was. I then began to panic about not being able to remember and felt a bit strange almost as though my head was all fuzzy and felt weird. I'm trying my jardest not to think about it, but I'm going out tonight with my friends and here I go again panicking. Can anyone relate? Thanks x

02-07-11, 22:14
Yes! I am forever forgetting things, really stupid things that are often irrelevant to anything but I get so frustrated trying to remember them! I've started carrying note pads with me in my bag, and when I'm teaching I carry post its in my pocket to write important stuff down on.
I wonder if its just a bad memory thing or anxiety related?!

02-07-11, 22:20
Hi there,

I had a recent bout of this symptom which like you freaked me out as once I was aware of forgetting things I spent s lot of time fixating on it and whether I kept doing it. I would think or say something then a split second later would forget what.. The more I focussed on trying to remember the more worked up I got as the anxiety kicked in. I only recognised about a week later, once my brain seemed to be working again, that it was actually the week or so prior to my period and think it was hormones as I often get clumsy, mildly forgetful as a result of PMT. I think perhaps it was worse this month cos I was constantly focussed waiting to forget things which left me constantly heightened.

Could your shopping episode also tie in with your menstrual cycle? X

Natalie x
03-07-11, 01:02
Thanks for your replies guys. Jemski it does tie in actually as I have just took my period on Thursday. I went out tonight and just tried not to think about it x

03-07-11, 11:56
Hiya, I'm sure the funny feeling you described was probably your anxiety kicking in when you started to worry about the forgetfulness meaning something more. Try not to dwell on it - I've lost count of the number of times I've walked upstairs only to forget why I went up there. Oh, and I always walk out of the supermarket and stand there looking around for ages trying to remember where I parked my car! Not to mention the times I start saying something and then it completely goes out of my head and I can't for the life of me remember what I was about to say! Luckily for me, forgetfulness isn't something I've ever worried about (so far) - otherwise I'd be a wreck with my brain fog! Anyway, hope you're feeling a bit better about it. x

03-07-11, 12:14
Yep i can relate! since having my second son in october i have become so forgetful, and i do put it down to anxiety. i often forget what im doing, what i have been doing or where im going at times. and the one day i had a massive fit because i couldnt find my phone and went into panic..only to find it in my hand.. yes my hand!! i thought it was me losing my mind lol xx