View Full Version : panic is taking over again.................

02-07-11, 18:35
hi all sorry for this post but im having prlems with my panic again and this thime its taking over my life its like when i first started to have them and i didnt know what is going on. but this time it just feels stronger than before and my agrophobia is starting to slowly creep back in my life again too. :weep::weep:

anyone got any tips of how i can try and control it again because it feels as though i cant cope with it all

many thanks guys.

02-07-11, 18:40
Dont try to control it - just go with it - greet it and tell it to accompany you if it wishes. This was the only way I am living a normal(ish) life again. I had agoraphobia back last year and I have just got back from Portugal :)

It isn't easy - but I'll be damned if fear rules my life...

02-07-11, 18:51
just want to try and lead a normal ish life again but at times i dont know how to do that anymore cant even leave the town im in cause i panic too much. :weep: just got to get to grips of them again somehow hey

03-07-11, 00:04
Hey you aren't alone i'm exactly the same it's controlling me to point i cant even eat much, When i have an attack i sip lots of water and play games,read a book or just watch a movie to distract yourself. Try to go for a walk twice a day even if it is just for 5 minutes just to show yourself there is nothing wrong. hope this helps

10-07-11, 15:42
im in the same situation but i am not going to let this rule my life i keep telling myself.a little step every day.have you tried setting yourself goals to achieve it can help.i have agoraphobia to so set little tasks round the house anything you can achieve is a bonus good luck hope you get through this tough time.