View Full Version : Brain tumour fears gone :)

02-07-11, 23:46
Hi guys,

I was a regular on her a few months ago. I was convinced I had a brain tumour. I was hvaing panic attaks every single day and it was a struggle for me to leave the house. I have two young boys and was petrified i was going to leave them without a mother.

I was having many physical symptoms such as tingling feeling down the right side of my face, this would last for hours, head zaps as i used to call them, my eyes couldnt focus on things etc

I started off having CBT which i didnt find great tbh. my gp wanted me to take ADs but i never took them. in the end what worked for me was exercise every evening, healthy diet and i also take Valarian tablets which i got from the health food store. i removed anything or anyone that was causing me stress from my life and I am just a completely different person for it, after a few weeks all my physical symptoms disappeared and i havnet had a panic attack since.

I am still a worrier about my health, for example, if i had a very bad headache i would start to worry but it doesnt take over my life in any way so i am happy. :yesyes:

03-07-11, 17:26
Hi can i ask what your headaches were like? im struggling at the moment...well done you for getting better.x

03-07-11, 17:39
Hi, I just wanted to say well done to you... I think the steps you've taken to de-stress your life are ones that most people with anxiety should take. If we put crap into our bodies for long enough, our bodies will rebel! If we put good things in, our bodies will thank us :) Good luck for the future x

08-07-11, 14:26
Im sorry i posted and then forgot to check for replies!

They weren't headaches as such. I used to get a tingling kind of pins and needles type feeling down my right temple and cheekbone. I would also get this around my right eye socket. If i get even a bit stressed these days the eye socket tingling comes back but im not scared of it because i knwo its just a symptom of stress.

I also used to get brain zaps, just kind of shooting pains in my brain, they would only last a second but they were scary. They are completly gone now :)

I would also find it hard to focus on things. Its hard to describe but it was like my brain couldnt work as fast as my eyes! sorry i know that sounds odd but it was just another symptom, but its gone now :)

08-07-11, 14:28
Just remembered another head symptom. I used to get tension headache where i would either feel like there was a rubber band across my head or i would get this kind of dull ache on back of right ear about 3 inchs in, i hope this helps you to realise what you are feeling is anxiety symptoms :)

08-07-11, 15:47
Great to hear a positive story, thanks for sharing and well done you!
