View Full Version : Water hose/ electrical vibration symptom!

03-07-11, 02:48
This is driving me crazy and not sure others know exactly what im feeling. For lack of better wy to describe it ,I get a feeling in my lower back and pelvic region that feels like when you pick up a water hose and feel the water going through it. Im not sure if this is whats called a vibration feeling or not. Sometimes it last for a few minutes constant not one second on and one second off like others have described but constant.

It might last for a few minutes or hours or all day and night. It feels like it might have something to do with my lower back because sometims I can lay on my side and scissor my legs and it will settle down and. stop but this isnt very often. I have had a sensation simular to this in my chest a few years ago that lasted about three days. I worry that I might have some bad circulation problem or terrible nerve disease or tumor or something but this feeling sometimes is gone for a day or two and doesnt come back.

I have also recently got worried this might be MS or something sinister at work.

I know many people get a vibration symptom on here or they describing my water hose symptom or ectrical vibration. I wish if others have this thy would tell me because im very worried about this and terrified to go a doctor.... Help please??????

03-07-11, 03:00
I know exactly what you mean. It has happened to me a few times so I googled it and the sensation appears to be quite common and harmless. If your worried though dont be afraid to see a dr.

03-07-11, 03:07
How long did your last and did you ever find out what was causing it? i dont want to go tothe doctor.The thoughtof that scares me more thanwhat this could be but if I have to ,I guess I dont have a choice.

03-07-11, 03:29
It was embarassing as it affected the inside of my right leg and the first time it lasted for ages. I even had to do a job interview while it was carrying on. Think it was stimulation of a nerve. I do get sciatica. I had to force myself to go to the dr last wek re depression/anxiety and know exactly what you mean, and I work with drs.

03-07-11, 03:37
Sometimes if I get up and walk around it will mask it a little but sometimes It doesnt.... Sometimes it starts on walking sometimes just moving the wrong way starts it but. i also get the feeling through the anus and pelvic region. I guess its something to do with a pinched or compressed nerve. Wow working with drs ,that would ne nerve racking having health anxiety...Im not sure I could but since you are already at the drs how convient ? Anyway thanks for posting me ,its really annoying and worrisome and you didnt find out whwt it was either?

03-07-11, 04:03
I was too embarassed to ask any of them. I work nights in a hospital so the drs I work with deal with are pretty busy, if not just plain rude. I hope you get the answers you are looking for. Having health anxiety must be awful. I was well when I first experienced these problems and didnt think much of it at the time plus i'd had a health scare the same year when the gp thought I had MS as I kept falling over and at one stage had partially lost my eyesight in my left eye but they told me it was caused by a virus and all the scans came back clear.
Wishing you well

03-07-11, 04:10
Thank you....but does this have anything to do with ms? or is it just a harmless nusiance or whatever you said before. Did yours come and go or doesit come and go and how long does yours last? But you lost your eyesight and it was a virus ? huh? im lost now ...im sorry. I to have been having problems with my eye and my neck feeling weird ....hope its not ms

03-07-11, 10:03
Hi, Sorry if I confused you the joys of insomnia. No its not related. The vibration feeling does come and go and only lasted 20mins or so last time. What I was tring to say was that I was worried about MS too and everything came back clear. Looking at other websites it seems to be a common harmless problem that people atribute to a trapped nerve but no one seems to know for sure.


03-07-11, 23:00
I have been researching to and although many people get this and are tested ,they never find anything no matter what test... Guess its one of those things. Mine usually last more than 20 minutes sometimes all day and night but I think I have had it a few times it didnt last to long. Thanks again for your post.

04-07-11, 06:41
Sounds like a trapped nerve or something similar. I get it in the middle of my back, annoying and quite unpleasant but I've just sort of got used to it now. Try not to worry, it doesn't sound serious :)