View Full Version : Noise

03-07-11, 03:21
Hi, Am I just being my neurotic self or do I have the right to complain??

We live next door to a teenager and his mum and he's left alone he is driving me crazy with daytime noise. He plays his guitar and music all the time and we even had a full band including drums in their back garden. The thing that upsets me the most is the swearing from him and his mates when they are out in the garden which upsets my children and i'm angry that they are subjected to it. No child should have to listen to the C word. My husband approached my neighbour but she said there is nothing she can do as she is not responsible for her sons friends. I am off work at the moment due to anxiety and depression and I can't cope with this anymore.

Any ideas???

03-07-11, 03:28
Hi Hope38

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

03-07-11, 04:34
she said there is nothing she can do as she is not responsible for her sons friends.

But she is responsible for her son who in turn is responsible for his friends when he invites them to his house. What she should do if she were a responsible parent would be to ask her son to to ask his friends to watch their language or warn him that they will no longer be allowed to visit and he will have to go them.

We had the same problem at our last house. We had to involve the council when we only got abuse so in the end we moved and have never regretted it.:hugs:

03-07-11, 09:47
Thanks Bill,

Its good to hear that i'm not making a mountain out of a mole hill. We were thinking of moving anyway but the fear of the stress of going down that road is putting me off. Maybe I should look more into it.

03-07-11, 10:23
I agree with Bill about the mother being responsible for her son. I wouldn't dream of allowing either of my sons' friends to swear in or outside of our house!! That is basic parenting!!
We have been very lucky with our neighbours over the years so I can't say if I'd move because they were being unreasonable, though I would seek advice regarding the noise element, isn't there a law about this? And no you are not making a mountain out of a mole hill

Good luck Hope 38

04-07-11, 04:21
You have my sympathies Hope 38. I have had problems with neighbours in the past, one young lady in particular who used to play her music full blast all hours the other side of the wall where my daugther's bedroom was when she was a baby. There are some real selfish ******** around who have no thought at all for anyone else.

Bills comment is spot on. She can't just take no resposibility for it all like that. No wonder it is out of control, she doesn't seem to have any discipline in the house whatsoever. Probably worth tackling her about it again or having a word with the council. They usually ask you to keep a diary of events to give them an idea of just how bad the problem is. The other drastic option of course is moving, but yes, that is stressful too :unsure:.


04-07-11, 08:08
Thanks everybody, She even asked if my husband thought the band was any good when they were practicing out in the garden! Think I shall keep the diary anyway and take it from there.

Thanks again:)