View Full Version : Citalopram Burning Sensation - Help!

03-07-11, 03:28
Hi lovely people,

I have been on Citalopram 10mg for 3 weeks and then the dose was increased to 20mg 5 days ago (so now I've been on it for almost a month). The side effects on 20mg have been much worse. I feel tired all the time, can't sleep at night, feel disorientated, a bit faint sometimes and today I almost stumbled over twice but steadied myself by holding onto doorframes. I've also lost my appetite, feel sick and have an upset stomach. Tonight I was sat calmly on my bed when suddenly I felt a bit light headed and then I had a burning sensation all over my body. It wasn't like a hot flush, it was like someone poured acid on my skin. I panicked as it was a terrifying sensation like I have never experienced before. I rang my crisis team and they said it WASN'T listed as a known side effect and they told me to ring the out of hours Dr, which I did. He said he'd never heard of it as a side effect either and said I was probably having a panic attack. I have had panic attacks for 6 years and I have never experienced anything LIKE that burning sensation. It was all over my body and felt like acid on my skin. Has anyone else experienced this as I'm terrified that it's a bad reaction/allergy to the meds. Please help.

03-07-11, 04:22
I was having the weirdest burning sensation also while on citalopram. I had to stop taking it after 5 days because of the horrible side effects. For me, it was like my blood was burning and I would get an intense burning all over my body. I also got the worse insomnia and nausea. I wish I could have stuck with the meds to give them a chance to work, but I couldn't handle feeling worse than I was already feeling. :lac:

04-07-11, 00:02
i had the burning feeling also. when i was on citolapram. i stopped it also. know i should have stuck it out but i couldnt stand the feeling i got when i was on them.

04-07-11, 00:09
A burning or prickling senstaion ,Is a RARE side effect .It should pass when your new dose has settled .It would be a shame to have to change meds now you are nearly there shoegal .Try to stick it out if you can .All the best Sue .x

04-07-11, 00:47
All the medical people I have spoken to have said they have never heard of 'burning sensations' as a side effect of Citalopram and they have reduced my dose back to 10mg. I have to phone my Dr tomorrow to see what she says. I have also been falling over and having dizzy turns so they think I might have low blood pressure but of course being agoraphobic I can't get to the Dr's to get my blood pressure checked! I feel better physically today on 10mg but my anxiety has risen. I can't seem to win!

04-07-11, 10:55
Theres plenty of reported cases of this on the internet .Some were treated with antihistamines .Some had to go on another types of Anti-depressant such as Mirazapine which is an SNRI .It may be you are not suited to SSRI's .Some people arent .The dizziness is common ,but it could end up with you hurting yourself .Seems you are one of the unlucky ones who have a severe reaction to this type of medication .I did too ,but it did pass in time .Heres a link to another post about the burning . http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=47654...