View Full Version : Dont know what to do

03-07-11, 11:21
I have been recently lowering my dose of mirtazipine very very slowly and have now been taking 7.5mg for 4 weeks.

I have felt fine apart from this past 2 days I have felt much more anxious on waking and this morning woke at 3.30am feeling dreadful, so much so I could not really get back off to sleep!! I was tempted to take diazepam but managed without.

My question is after 4 weeks could it be withdrawal?? or I am not sure if it is the anxiety coming back and should I increase my dose again?? Or should I just wait another couple of days to see if it settles down again??

Does anyone know if I was to go back up again will my appetite increase again etc or the fact that I still take 7.5mg this wont happen?? I know even though the weight is an issue my mental health is much more important but just wondered if anyone knew.

Any advice would be appreciated....feel very low today.


03-07-11, 14:01
:bighug1:Hi Jo I'm so sorry that you are not so good. You have been doing really well so this latest episode of depression/anxiety really is just a blip. I would strongly advise increasing the mirt again as I know from personal experience that you will start to feel better quite quickly. This is my personal opinion only and I would advise that you make a GP appointment at your earliest convenience. I cannot comment on the appetite problem but I think that it is more of a problem when you start the mirt for the first time. I'm sending big hugs as I don't like to see you like this. Are you still taking the pregabalin by the way? EJ

03-07-11, 16:11
Hi EJ,

Thanks for your reply, your oppinion means alot to me. Yes still on the pregabalin too....dont intend in coming off those just yet or the mirt by the way i am feeling. If I increase to 15mg do you think I will feel much in the way of side effect??


03-07-11, 18:12
Dear Jo when I increased the mirt after reducing the benefits were felt very quickly. I don't remember any side effects. Is there any way that the pregabalin could be tweaked/increased or are you on the maximum dose? My guess is that your GP will want to increase the mirt until a period of stability is reached again. Frustratiing I know. The withdrawal anxiety when withdrawing from mirtazapine is very unpleasant so much so that I went back on it again. I did come off it to have a serious relapse in 2009? so back on it. Curiously my weight remains stable on 45mg and I don't have the munchies. Take care. EJ.

04-07-11, 09:15
I came off it a few years ago, completely and quite quickly - probably too quickly. With me I kept running back to the psych (cost me a fortune) and it took him a month to figure out it was that the depression and anxiety were still there. I went back on it and it was a fairly long haul. However, now I'm reducing again having had a few years of support from new psych, new other meds and new therapist. I am now down to 15mg (from 45mg) and am going to stop there for a bit - it's not a race.

With regard to side effects I have to say that when I went back on Mirtazapine, it knocked me out for a while so if you increase you may find that but it levels out. Now that I am going down in dosage, I am constantly hungry and have to be very very disciplined!! I am the chocolate queen

04-07-11, 18:18
Hi Jo I know that you are still taking lithium can I ask what other meds you are still on apart from the mirt? EJ

04-07-11, 18:59
I think you should see your GP for advice before changing your dose. It is quite possibly withdrawal, it could simply pass if you hang in there. Or, it could be a sign that you need to increase your dose again. Personally I would always say to try and give it a little longer if you can.

But it really must be your GP who gives you advice on this.

05-07-11, 06:12
Hi Jo I know that you are still taking lithium can I ask what other meds you are still on apart from the mirt? EJ

Hi EJ,

Thanks for support. I do not take lithium, just take 100mg pregabalin twice daily and the mirtazipine.


05-07-11, 06:17
I had to travel up to London on a training course yesterday and felt awful with anxiety but managed to get through the day....by the afternoon I felt better but really drained with the pushing I had to do to just get through the day.

I will make an appointment with my Gp, cant decide if it is a bit of withdrawal (even though I have not been taking 7.5mg for 4 weeks and would of expected the withdrawal to hit me quicker???) anyone any thoughts on that?? Or is it the dreaded illness rearing its head...and if so dont want to put off an increase as really dont want to get any worse!!!!

This morning I feel a little better.....see how today goes and hopefully it will lift soon.

Thanks everyone for replies...this site is a life saver!!!


05-07-11, 06:49
hi JT it was the other Jo! Sorry that you having such a tough time recently. I would still go to the docs and not worry whether it is withdrawals or the depression coming back. Let your doctor decide whether it is this or the depression returning. I hope that you feel better soon. EJ

05-07-11, 17:56
Hi EJ,

Made appointment for Thursday morning....let you know what happens.


05-07-11, 19:22
Hope things work out for you EJ

05-07-11, 22:01
hi JT it was the other Jo! Sorry that you having such a tough time recently. I would still go to the docs and not worry whether it is withdrawals or the depression coming back. Let your doctor decide whether it is this or the depression returning. I hope that you feel better soon. EJ

Hi EJ, am also on Fluoxetine (Prozac) which keeps me happy. The idea is that eventually I will just be on Lithium - had my regular blood tests today, a bit of a faff but worth it to be well :). JT, it will work itself out, unfortunately we need to be patient sometimes :(

07-07-11, 12:02
Went to see my Gp today about the downward spiral I have been having and he has suggested I increase the dose of pregabalin and stay on 7.5mg of mirtazipine and see if that helps....so I will do this and see how it goes.

I must say I have improved as the week has gone on and dont feel as bad as I did over the weekend.

Maybe its just one of those things!!!

Strange this anxiety thing!!!


07-07-11, 17:37
So pleased you are feeling better - this is a horrible illness and the lows come when we least expect them. Keep on doing what you're doing and hopefully the new 'cocktail' will work its magic :hugs:

07-07-11, 17:48
Have been following this Jo and am pleased you're on the up again!! I hope today has been a good day too for you :)

Belle xx

07-07-11, 18:28
Thankyou both for your support.

Today has been much better thankfully!!!


08-07-11, 07:06
Dear Jo hopefully you'll begin to feel better and not have to increase the mirt. I'm glad the pregabalin is working for you. I was out yesterday. Take care Jo. Love from EJ.

08-07-11, 18:01
Hi EJ,

Thanks for your support....felt a bit spaced out today with the increase but managed to work and get through the day...better to feel like that then all anxious I guess.


17-07-11, 17:25
Hi Jo - hope you're still feeling ok. How is the withdrawal from the Mirt going now... are you still on 7.5mg?

Belle x

17-07-11, 18:38
Hi Jo I am still thinking of you and sending messages of support. EJ

20-07-11, 14:33
Hi Jo - hope you're still feeling ok. How is the withdrawal from the Mirt going now... are you still on 7.5mg?

Belle x

Hi Belle,

Just back from a couple of days away....feeling much better thankyou. Am still on the 7.5mg of mirtazipine and intend to stay on that for a while longer make sure I am properly settled.

Thanks for asking.


20-07-11, 14:34
Hi Jo I am still thinking of you and sending messages of support. EJ

Hi EJ,

Thankyou, am feeling much much better...for now anyhow.

Hope you are keeping well.
